TquanT Shiny Apps Gallery

This page contains Shiny apps developed by students at the TquanT seminars. For educational purposes, the source code is shown with the apps.

More apps have been developed by the TquanT partners.


2019 seminar

This seminar is no longer funded by the Erasmus+ Programme as the TquanT project finished in August 2018. This year, we had a collection of Shiny apps and presentations.

Power and Violation of Assumptions. Shiny App.

Stop-Signal Paradigm: A Copula-Driven Analysis. Presentation.

Ising Model - A Network Perspective on TquanT 2019. Presentation and Shiny App.

Is Free Will an Illusion? Presentation and Shiny App.

Spotting White Lies. Presentation.

Validating BLIM-Simulated Data. Shiny App.

Data Transformation & Regression. Presentation and Shiny App.


2018 seminar

Monte Carlo Data Visualization & Comparison

Machine Learning

Validating Knowledge Structures

Crossmodal Response Enhancement

Power Rangers Simulation App

Exploring Probability Distributions

A Tutorial on Item Response Theory¹For the tutorial, the source code cannot be displayed for technical reasons.

A Tutorial on Distirbutions as Urn Problems¹For the tutorial, the source code cannot be displayed for technical reasons.

Network Models

Model Comparison

Parameter Estimation with Maximum Likelihood

Data Input & Visualization

Analyzing a CSV File (this app is not available due to security reasons)


2017 seminar

Check Your Stats!

Dynamic Fitting


Estimating TWIN

Signal Detection

Linear Mixed Effects Model

Mixed Models: Random Effects

Model Comparison

Estimation of Knowledge Structures

Knowledge Space Theory



2016 seminar

Knowledge space application

James Stein estimator

Linear mixed models

Probability updating: Frog example

Model Comparison: Linear models with mixed-effects

Comparing intraclass correlations for Schwarz values across European countries

Bayesian and frequentist t-test

Bayesian correlation

Pizza app: Illustration of the Bayes factor

TquanT was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.

This server is powered by RStudio's Shiny Server Open Source.

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