This shiny app allows you to explore many different probability distributions in an interactive manner. This app has three menus in the top bar. The Start menu is where you are now and where you can find some information on how to use this app and some introductory information regarding probability distributions. The two remaining menus (Discrete and Continuous) allow you to choose from various probability distributions and, once you choose one, you will be able to see how each distribution behaves when its parameters are changed. You just need to move the labeled sliders.


Probability distributions are a description of a random phenomenon in terms of the probabilities of events. They are defined in terms of an underlying sample space, which is the set of possible outcomes of the random phenomenon being observed.

Probability distributions are often divided into two main groups:

● Discrete Probability Distribution: applicable to scenarios where the set of possible outcomes is discrete, typically described by a discrete list of probabilities, known as the Probability Mass Function;

● Continuous Probability Distribution: applicable to the scenarios where the set of possible outcomes can take on values in a continuous range, typically described by the Probability Density Function.


Binomial Distribution
The binomial distribution gives the probability distribution of a binomial random variable, which describes the number of k successes in n trials of a Bernoulli experiment.

The binomial distribution has two parameters:

● Number of trials n that are performed

● Probability p of success in one trial of the Bernoulli experiment


Negative Binomial Distribution
The binomial distribution gives the probability distribution of the number of trials that are needed in order to observe an outcome k times if a Bernoulli experiment is repeated n times with replacement.

The binomial distribution has two parameters:

● Number of outcomes k, that want to be observed

● Probability p of an outcome in one trial of the Bernoulli experiment


Hypergeometric Distribution
The hypergeometric distribution gives the probability distribution of the number a wanted outcome is observed if a Bernoulli experiment is repeated n times without replacement.

The hypergeometric distribution has three parameters:

● Number of elements in the population N (white balls + black balls)

● Number of trials n that are performed

● Number of the elements with the wanted property K (white balls)


Poisson Distribution
The Poisson distribution gives the probability distribution of the number of wanted outcomes in a Bernoulli experiment. It can be derived from the Binomial distribution.

The Poisson distribution has one paramenter:

● The rate λ, which describes the frequency of the wanted outcome in an interval


Normal Distribution
The normal distribution is marked by the typical bell form of its probability density function.

The specific form is determined by two parameters:

● The mean or expectation of the distribution μ

● The variance of the distribution σ²


Student's t Distribution

F Distribution

Chi-squared Distribution

Exponential Distribution

Continuous Uniform Distribution

The density of a uniform random variable is constant in between a maximum and a minimum value.

show with app


ui <- fluidPage(theme = "theme.css",
                   title = "Distributions",
                   tabPanel(title = "Start",
                                  '<p style="margin-left:30em,;line-height: 5 
                                  <B><h3>PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS</h3></B>
                                  <p>This shiny app allows you to explore many
                                  different probability distributions in an
                                  interactive manner. This app has three menus
                                  in the top bar. The Start menu is where you
                                  are now and where you can find some
                                  information on how to use this app and some
                                  introductory information regarding
                                  probability distributions.
                                  The two remaining menus 
                                  (Discrete and Continuous) allow you to 
                                  choose from various probability distributions 
                                  and, once you choose one, you will be able to
                                  see how each distribution behaves when 
                                  its parameters are changed. You just need to
                                  move the labeled sliders.</p>
                                  <p><b>Probability distributions</b> are a 
                                  description of a random phenomenon in terms
                                  of the probabilities of events. They are 
                                  defined in terms of an underlying
                                  <B>sample space</B>, which is the <B>set of 
                                  possible  outcomes</B> of the random
                                  phenomenon being observed.</p>
                                  <p><h6>Probability distributions are often 
                                  divided into two main groups:</p></h6>
                                  <B>&#9679; Discrete Probability Distribution:
                                  applicable to scenarios where the set of 
                                  possible outcomes is discrete, typically
                                  described by a discrete list of
                                  probabilities, known as the
                                  Probability Mass Function;</p>
                                  <B>&#9679; Continuous Probability 
                                  applicable to the scenarios where the set of 
                                  possible outcomes can take on values in a 
                                  continuous range, typically described by the
                                  Probability Density Function.</p>.'
                   # DISCRETE----
                      title = "Discrete",
                         title = "Binomial distribution",
                               '<p> <h6><B>Binomial Distribution</B></h6> 
                                The binomial distribution gives the probability
                                distribution of a binomial random variable,
                                which describes the number of k successes in n 
                                trials of a Bernoulli experiment.</p>
                                The binomial distribution has two parameters:
                                <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; Number of 
                                trials n that are performed</p>
                                <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; Probability
                                p of success in one trial of the Bernoulli 
                               cellWidths = 500,
                                  click = "clickdbinom",
                                  height = "450px",
                                  width = "450px"
                                  click = "clickpbinom",
                                  height = "450px",
                                  width = "450px"
                                  label = "Number of trials",
                                  min = 5,
                                  max = 500,
                                  value = 20,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500),
                                  step = 5
                               checkboxInput("binomper", "Show percentiles",
                                             value = FALSE)
                                  label = "True probability of success",
                                  min = 0,
                                  max = 1,
                                  value = .5,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500),
                                  step = .1
                                  condition = "input.binomper == true",
                                     inputId = "percentilebinom",
                                     label = "Percentile",
                                     min =  1,
                                     max = 100,
                                     value = 50,
                                     step = 5,
                                     animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                         title = "Negative Binomial Distribution",
                               '<p> <h6><B>Negative Binomial Distribution</B>
                               The binomial distribution gives the probability
                               distribution of the number of trials that are 
                               needed in order to observe an outcome k times if
                               a Bernoulli experiment is repeated n times with
                               The binomial distribution has two parameters:
                               <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; Number of 
                               outcomes k, that want to be observed</p>
                               <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; Probability
                               p of an outcome in one trial of the Bernoulli 
                               cellWidths = 500,
                                          click = "clickdnegbinom"),
                                          click = "clickpnegbinom")
                                  label = "Number of successes",
                                  min = 1,
                                  max = 100,
                                  value = 5,
                                  step = 5,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)

                                             "Show percentiles", value = FALSE)
                                  label = "True probability of
                                  min = 0.5,
                                  max = 1,
                                  value = 0.5,
                                  step = .05,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  condition = "input.percentnegbinom == true",
                                     inputId = "percentilenegbinom",
                                     label =
                                     min =  1,
                                     max = 99,
                                     value = 50,
                                     step = 5,
                                     animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                         title = "Hypergeometric Distribution",
                               '<p><h6><B>Hypergeometric Distribution</B></h6>
                               The hypergeometric distribution gives the 
                               probability distribution of the number a wanted 
                               outcome is observed if a Bernoulli experiment 
                               is repeated n times without replacement. 
                               The hypergeometric distribution has three 
                               parameters: </p>
                               <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; Number of 
                               elements in the population N (white balls +
                               black balls)</p>
                               <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; Number of 
                               trials n that are performed</p>
                               <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; Number of 
                               the elements with the wanted property K 
                               (white balls)</p>.'
                               cellWidths = 500,
                                          click = "clickdhypergeo"),
                                          click = "clickphypergeo")
                                  label =  "Number of trials",
                                  value = 8,
                                  min = 5,
                                  max = 10,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  label = "Number of white balls",
                                  value = 5,
                                  min = 10,
                                  max = 50
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  label = "Number of black balls",
                                  value = 5,
                                  min = 10,
                                  max = 50,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                             "Show percentiles", value = FALSE)
                                  condition = "input.quanthypergeo == true",
                                     inputId = "percentilehypergeo",
                                     label = "Percentile",
                                     min = 1,
                                     max = 100,
                                     value = 50,
                                     step = 5,
                                     animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                         title = "Poisson Distribution",
                               '<p> <h6><B>Poisson Distribution</B></h6> 
                                The Poisson distribution gives the probability
                               distribution of the number of wanted outcomes
                               in a Bernoulli experiment. It can be derived 
                               from the Binomial distribution.</p>
                               The Poisson distribution has one paramenter:
                               <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The rate 
                               &lambda;, which describes the frequency of 
                               the wanted outcome in an interval</p>.'
                               cellWidths = 500,
                                          click = "click"),
                                          click = "clickppois")
                                  label = "Rate parameter",
                                  min = 0,
                                  max = 50,
                                  value = 10,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                             "Show percentiles", value = FALSE)
                                  condition = "input.quantpoisson == true"),
                                  condition = "input.quantpoisson == true",
                                     inputId = "percentilepoisson",
                                     label = "Percentile",
                                     min = 1,
                                     max = 99,
                                     value = 50,
                                     step = 5,
                                     animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                   # CONTINUOUS----
                      title = "Continous",
                         title = "Normal Distribution",
                               '<p><h6><B>Normal Distribution</h6></B> 
                               The normal distribution is marked by the typical
                               bell form of its probability density function.
                               The specific form is determined by two 
                               <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The mean or
                               expectation of the distribution <i>&mu;</i></p>
                               <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The variance
                               of the distribution <i>&sigma;&sup2;</i>
                            cellWidths = 500,
                            plotOutput("normPlot", click = "clickdnorm"),
                            plotOutput("normCum", click = "clickpnorm")
                                  inputId = "nmean",
                                  label = "Mean",
                                  min = -10,
                                  max = 10,
                                  value = 0,
                                  step = 1,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  inputId = "nvariance",
                                  label = "Variance",
                                  min = 1,
                                  max = 7,
                                  value = 3,
                                  step = 0.5,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  condition = "input.quantnorm == true",
                                     inputId = "percentilenorm",
                                     label = "Percentile",
                                     min = 1,
                                     max = 99,
                                     value = 50,
                                     step = 5,
                                     animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  inputId = "samplesizenorm",
                                  label = "Sample size",
                                  min = 5,
                                  max = 500,
                                  value = 500,
                                  step = 10,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                               checkboxInput("quantnorm", "Show percentiles",
                                             value = FALSE),
                               checkboxInput("showhistnorm", "Show histograms",
                                             value = FALSE)
                         title = "Student's t Distribution",
                               "<p><h6><B>Student's t Distribution</B> </h6>"
                               plotOutput("tPlot", click = "clickdt"),
                               plotOutput("tCum", click = "clickpt")
                                  inputId = "tdf",
                                  label = "Degrees of freedom",
                                  min = 1,
                                  max = 20,
                                  value = 5,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  inputId = "samplesizet",
                                  label = "Sample size",
                                  min = 5,
                                  max = 500,
                                  value = 500,
                                  step = 10
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                               checkboxInput("quantt", "Show percentiles",
                                             value = FALSE),
                               checkboxInput("showhistt", "Show histograms",
                                             value = FALSE)
                                  condition = "input.quantt == true",
                                     inputId = "percentilet",
                                     label = "Percentile",
                                     min = 1,
                                     max = 99,
                                     value = 50,
                                     step = 5,
                                     animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                         title = "F Distribution",
                            '<p><h6><B>F Distribution</B> </h6>'
                            cellWidths = 500,
                            plotOutput("FPlot", click = "clickdf"),
                            plotOutput("FCum", click = "clickpf")
                               inputId = "Fdf1",
                               label =
                                  "Degrees of freedom 1",
                               min = 1,
                               max = 30,
                               value = 5,
                               step = 1,
                               animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                               inputId = "Fdf2",
                               label = "Degrees of freedom 2",
                               min = 2,
                               max = 31,
                               value = 5,
                               step = 1,
                               animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                               condition = "input.quantf == true",
                                  inputId = "percentilef",
                                  label = "Percentile",
                                  min = 1,
                                  max = 99,
                                  value = 50,
                                  step = 5,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                               inputId = "samplesizef",
                               label = "Sample size",
                               min = 5,
                               max = 500,
                               value = 500,
                               step = 10,
                               animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                            checkboxInput("quantf", "Show percentiles",
                                          value = FALSE),
                            checkboxInput("showhistf", "Show histograms",
                                          value = FALSE)
                         title = "Chi-Squared Distribution",
                               '<p><h6><B>Chi-squared Distribution</B></h6>'
                               cellWidths = 500,
                                          click = "clickdchisq"),
                                          click = "clickpchisq")
                                  label = "Degrees of freedom",
                                  min = 1,
                                  max = 10,
                                  value = 2,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  inputId = "samplesizechisq",
                                  label = "Sample size",
                                  min = 5,
                                  max = 500,
                                  value = 500,
                                  step = 10,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  condition = "input.quantchi == true",
                                     inputId = "percentilechisq",
                                     label = "Percentile",
                                     min = 1,
                                     max = 99,
                                     value = 50,
                                     step = 5,
                                     animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                               checkboxInput("quantchi", "Show percentiles",
                                             value = FALSE),
                               checkboxInput("showhistchi", "Show histograms",
                                             value = FALSE)
                         title = "Exponential Distribution",
                               '<p><h6><B>Exponential Distribution</B></h6>'
                               cellWidths = 500,
                               plotOutput("ExpPlot", click = "clickdexp"),
                               plotOutput("ExpCum", click = "clickpexp")
                                  label = "Rate parameter",
                                  min = 1,
                                  max = 4,
                                  value = 2,
                                  step = .1,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  inputId = "samplesizeexp",
                                  label = "Sample size",
                                  min = 5,
                                  max = 500,
                                  value = 500,
                                  step = 10,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  condition = "input.quantexp == true",
                                     inputId = "percentileexp",
                                     label = "Percentile",
                                     min = 1,
                                     max = 99,
                                     value = 50,
                                     step = 5,
                                     animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                             label = "Show percentiles",
                                             value = FALSE),
                               checkboxInput("showhistexp", "Show histograms",
                         title = "Uniform Distribution",
                               "<p><h6><B>Continuous Uniform Distribution</B>
                               <p>The density of a uniform random variable is 
                               constant in between a maximum and a minimum 
                               cellWidths = 500,
                                          click = "clickdunif"),
                                          click = "clickpunif")
                                  label = "Minimum",
                                  min = -20,
                                  max = 20,
                                  value = -5,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  label = "Maximum",
                                  min = -20,
                                  max = 20,
                                  value = 5,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  condition = "input.quantunif == true",
                                     inputId = "percentileuniform",
                                     label = "Percentile",
                                     min = 1,
                                     max = 99,
                                     value = 50,
                                     step = 5,
                                     animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                                  inputId = "samplesizeuniform",
                                  label = "Sample size",
                                  min = 5,
                                  max = 500,
                                  value = 500,
                                  step = 10,
                                  animate = animationOptions(interval = 500)
                               checkboxInput("quantunif", "Show percentiles",
                               checkboxInput("showhistunif", "Show histograms",

server <- function(input, output, session = session) {
   # DISCRETE----
   ## binom----
   output$binomPlot <- renderPlot({
         trueP = input$truepbinom,
         numTrials = input$ntrialsbinom,
         percen = input$percentilebinom,
         plotquant = input$binomper
   observeEvent(input$clickdbinom, {
      px <- input$clickdbinom$x
      output$binomPlot <- renderPlot({
            trueP = input$truepbinom,
            numTrials = input$ntrialsbinom,
            px = px,
            percen = input$percentilebinom,
            plotquant = input$binomper
   output$binomCum <- renderPlot({
         trueP = input$truepbinom,
         numTrials = input$ntrialsbinom,
         plotquant = input$binomper,
         percen = input$percentilebinom
   observeEvent(input$clickpbinom, {
      px <- input$clickpbinom$x
      output$binomCum <- renderPlot({
            trueP = input$truepbinom,
            numTrials = input$ntrialsbinom,
            px = px,
            plotquant = input$binomper,
            percen = input$percentilebinom
   # negativ binom----
   output$NegBinomPlot <- renderPlot({
         trueP = input$pnegbinom,
         numSuccess = input$nsucc,
         percen = input$percentilenegbinom,
         plotquant = input$percentnegbinom
   observeEvent(input$clickdnegbinom, {
      px <- input$clickdnegbinom$x
      output$NegBinomPlot <- renderPlot({
            trueP = input$pnegbinom,
            numSuccess = input$nsucc,
            px = px,
            percen = input$percentilenegbinom,
            plotquant = input$percentnegbinom
   output$NegBinomCum <- renderPlot({
         trueP = input$pnegbinom,
         numSuccess = input$nsucc,
         percen = input$percentilenegbinom,
         plotquant = input$percentnegbinom
   observeEvent(input$clickpnegbinom, {
      px <- input$clickpnegbinom$x
      output$NegBinomCum <- renderPlot({
            trueP = input$pnegbinom,
            numSuccess = input$nsucc,
            px = px,
            percen = input$percentilenegbinom,
            plotquant = input$percentnegbinom
   # hypergeometrical----
      input$n | input$m
   },  {
                        inputId = "ntrialshyper",
                        max = (input$n + input$m))
      output$HypergeomPlot <- renderPlot({
         if (input$ntrialshyper > (input$m + input$n)) {
         } else{
               percen = input$percentilehypergeo,
               plotquant = input$quanthypergeo
   observeEvent(input$clickdhypergeo, {
      px <- input$clickdhypergeo$x
      output$HypergeomPlot <- renderPlot({
            px = px,
            percen = input$percentilehypergeo,
            plotquant = input$quanthypergeo
   output$HypergeomCum <- renderPlot({
      if (input$ntrialshyper > (input$m + input$n)) {
      } else{
            percen = input$percentilehypergeo,
            plotquant = input$quanthypergeo
   observeEvent(input$clickphypergeo, {
      px <- input$clickphypergeo$x
      output$HypergeomCum <- renderPlot({
            px = px,
            percen = input$percentilehypergeo,
            plotquant = input$quanthypergeo
   # poisson----
   output$PoissonPlot <- renderPlot({
         lamda = input$lambpois,
         percen = input$percentilepoisson,
         plotquant = input$quantpoisson
   observeEvent(input$click, {
      px <- input$click$x
      output$PoissonPlot <- renderPlot({
            lamda = input$lambpois,
            px = px,
            percen = input$percentilepoisson,
            plotquant = input$quantpoisson
   output$PoissonCum <- renderPlot({
         lamda = input$lambpois,
         percen = input$percentilepoisson,
         plotquant = input$quantpoisson
   observeEvent(input$clickppois, {
      px <- input$clickppois$x
      output$PoissonCum <- renderPlot({
            lamda = input$lambpois,
            px = px,
            percen = input$percentilepoisson,
            plotquant = input$quantpoisson
   # normal----
      xnorm <- seq(-10, 10, .001)
      znorm <-
         rnorm(input$samplesizenorm, input$nmean, input$nvariance)
      knorm <-
         qnorm((input$percentilenorm) / 100,
      cord.y.norm <-
         c(0, dnorm(seq(xnorm[1], knorm, 0.001), input$nmean,
                    input$nvariance), 0)
      cord.x.norm <- c(xnorm[1], seq(xnorm[1], knorm, 0.001), knorm)
      output$normPlot <- renderPlot({
            x = xnorm,
            y = dnorm(xnorm, input$nmean, input$nvariance),
            z = znorm,
            cord.y = cord.y.norm,
            cord.x = cord.x.norm,
            plotquant = input$quantnorm,
            plothisto = input$showhistnorm
      observeEvent(input$clickdnorm, {
         px <- input$clickdnorm$x
         output$normPlot <- renderPlot({
               x = xnorm,
               y = dnorm(xnorm, input$nmean, input$nvariance),
               z = znorm,
               px = px,
               cord.y = cord.y.norm,
               cord.x = cord.x.norm,
               plotquant = input$quantnorm,
               plothisto = input$showhistnorm
      output$normCum <- renderPlot({
            x = xnorm,
            y = pnorm(xnorm, input$nmean, input$nvariance),
            quant = knorm,
            z = znorm,
            plothisto = input$showhistnorm,
            plotquant = input$quantnorm
      observeEvent(input$clickpnorm, {
         px <- input$clickpnorm$x
         output$normCum <- renderPlot({
               x = xnorm,
               y = pnorm(xnorm, input$nmean, input$nvariance),
               z = znorm,
               quant = knorm,
               px = px,
               plothisto = input$showhistnorm,
               plotquant = input$quantnorm
   # students t----
   xt <- seq(-10, 10, .001)
      zt <- rt(input$samplesizet, input$tdf)
      kt <- qt((input$percentilet) / 100, input$tdf)
      cord.y.t <- c(0, dt(seq(xt[1], kt, 0.001), df = input$tdf), 0)
      cord.x.t <- c(xt[1], seq(xt[1], kt, 0.001), kt)
      output$tPlot <- renderPlot({
            x = xt,
            y = dt(xt, input$tdf),
            z = zt,
            cord.y = cord.y.t,
            cord.x = cord.x.t,
            plotquant = input$quantt,
            plothisto = input$showhistt
      observeEvent(input$clickdt, {
         px <- input$clickdt$x
         output$tPlot <- renderPlot({
               x = xt,
               y = dt(xt, input$tdf),
               z = zt,
               px = px,
               cord.y = cord.y.t,
               cord.x = cord.x.t,
               plotquant = input$quantt,
               plothisto = input$showhistt
      output$tCum <- renderPlot({
            x = xt,
            y = pt(xt, input$tdf),
            z = zt,
            plothisto = input$showhistt,
            plotquant = input$quantt,
            quant = kt
      observeEvent(input$clickpt, {
         px <- input$clickpt$x
         output$tCum <- renderPlot({
               x = xt,
               y = pt(xt, input$tdf),
               z = zt,
               px = px,
               plothisto = input$showhistt,
               plotquant = input$quantt,
               quant = kt
   # F----
   xf <- seq(0, 4, .001)
      zf <- rf(input$samplesizef, input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2)
      kf <- qf((input$percentilef) / 100, input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2)
      cord.y.f <-
         c(0, df(seq(xf[1], kf, 0.001), input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2), 0)
      cord.x.f <- c(xf[1], seq(xf[1], kf, 0.001), kf)
      output$FPlot <- renderPlot({
            x = xf,
            y = df(xf, input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2),
            z = zf,
            cord.y = cord.y.f,
            cord.x = cord.x.f,
            plotquant = input$quantf,
            plothisto = input$showhistf
      observeEvent(input$clickdf, {
         px <- input$clickdf$x
         output$FPlot <- renderPlot({
               x = xf,
               y = df(xf, input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2),
               z = zf,
               px = px,
               cord.y = cord.y.f,
               cord.x = cord.x.f,
               plotquant = input$quantf,
               plothisto = input$showhistf
      output$FCum <- renderPlot({
            x = xf,
            y = pf(xf, input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2),
            z = zf,
            plothisto = input$showhistf,
            plotquant = input$quantf,
            quant = kf
      observeEvent(input$clickpf, {
         px <- input$clickpf$x
         output$FCum <- renderPlot({
               x = xf,
               y = pf(xf, input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2),
               z = zf,
               px = px,
               plothisto = input$showhistf,
               plotquant = input$quantf,
               quant = kf
   # chi-squared----
   xchi <- seq(0, 10, .001)
      zchi <- rchisq(input$samplesizechisq, input$degfreechi)
      kchi <- qchisq(input$percentilechisq / 100, input$degfreechi)
      cord.y.chi <-
         c(0, dchisq(seq(xchi[1], kchi, 0.001), input$degfreechi),
      cord.x.chi <- c(xchi[1], seq(xchi[1], kchi, 0.001), kchi)
      output$Chisqlot <- renderPlot({
            x = xchi,
            y = dchisq(xchi, input$degfreechi),
            z = zchi,
            cord.y = cord.y.chi,
            cord.x = cord.x.chi,
            plotquant = input$quantchi,
            plothisto = input$showhistchi
      observeEvent(input$clickdchisq, {
         px <- input$clickdchisq$x
         output$Chisqlot <- renderPlot({
               x = seq(0, 10, .001),
               y = dchisq(seq(0, 10, .001), input$degfreechi),
               z = zchi,
               px = px,
               cord.y = cord.y.chi,
               cord.x = cord.x.chi,
               plotquant = input$quantchi,
               plothisto = input$showhistchi
      output$ChisqCum <- renderPlot({
            x = xchi,
            y = pchisq(xchi, input$degfreechi),
            z = zchi,
            plothisto = input$showhistchi,
            plotquant = input$quantchi,
            quant = kchi
      observeEvent(input$clickpchisq, {
         px <- input$clickpchisq$x
         output$ChisqCum <- renderPlot({
               x = xchi,
               y = pchisq(xchi, input$degfreechi),
               z = zchi,
               px = px,
               plothisto = input$showhistchi,
               plotquant = input$quantchi,
               quant = kchi
   # exponential----
   xexp <- seq(0, 5, .001)
      zexp <- rexp(input$samplesizeexp, input$lambexp)
      kexp <- qexp(input$percentileexp / 100, input$lambexp)
      k0.exp <- which.min(xexp)
      cord.y.exp <-
         c(0, dexp(seq(xexp[k0.exp], kexp, 0.001), input$lambexp), 0)
      cord.x.exp <-
         c(xexp[k0.exp], seq(xexp[k0.exp], kexp, 0.001), kexp)
      output$ExpPlot <- renderPlot({
            x = xexp,
            y = dexp(xexp, input$lambexp),
            z = zexp,
            cord.y = cord.y.exp,
            cord.x = cord.x.exp,
            plotquant = input$quantexp,
            plothisto = input$showhistexp
      observeEvent(input$clickdexp, {
         px <- input$clickdexp$x
         output$ExpPlot <- renderPlot({
               x = xexp,
               y = dexp(xexp, input$lambexp),
               z = zexp,
               px = px,
               cord.y = cord.y.exp,
               cord.x = cord.x.exp,
               plotquant = input$quantexp,
               plothisto = input$showhistexp
      output$ExpCum <- renderPlot({
            x = xexp,
            y = pexp(xexp, input$lambexp),
            quant = kexp,
            z = zexp,
            plothisto = input$showhistexp,
            plotquant = input$quantexp
      observeEvent(input$clickpexp, {
         px <- input$clickpexp$x
         output$ExpCum <- renderPlot({
               x = xexp,
               y = pexp(xexp, input$lambexp),
               z = zexp,
               px = px,
               plothisto = input$showhistexp,
               plotquant = input$quantexp,
               quant = kexp
   # uniform----
      xunif <- seq(input$mini - 4, input$maxi + 4, .001)
      zunif <-
         runif(input$samplesizeuniform, input$mini, input$maxi)
      kunif <-
         qunif(input$percentileuniform / 100, input$mini, input$maxi)
      k0.unif <- which.min(xunif)
      cord.y.unif <-
         c(0, dunif(seq(xunif[k0.unif], kunif, 0.001), input$mini,
                    input$maxi), 0)
      cord.x.unif <-
         c(xunif[k0.unif], seq(xunif[k0.unif], kunif, 0.001), kunif)
      updateSliderInput(session, inputId = "mini",
                        max = min(c(input$maxi - 1, 20)))
      updateSliderInput(session, inputId = "maxi",
                        min = max(c(input$mini + 1, -20)))
      output$UniformPlot <- renderPlot({
            x = xunif,
            y = dunif(xunif, min = input$mini, max = input$maxi),
            z = zunif,
            cord.y = cord.y.unif,
            cord.x = cord.x.unif,
            plotquant = input$quantunif,
            plothisto = input$showhistunif
      observeEvent(input$clickdunif, {
         px <- input$clickdunif$x
         output$UniformPlot <- renderPlaot({
               x = xunif,
               y = dunif(xunif, min = input$mini, max = input$maxi),
               z = zunif,
               px = px,
               cord.y = cord.y.unif,
               cord.x = cord.x.unif,
               plotquant = input$quantunif,
               plothisto = input$showhistunif
      output$UniformCum <- renderPlot({
            x = xunif,
            y = punif(xunif, min = input$mini, max = input$maxi),
            z = zunif,
            plothisto = input$showhistunif,
            plotquant = input$quantunif,
            quant = kunif
      observeEvent(input$clickpunif, {
         px <- input$clickpunif$x
         output$UniformCum <- renderPlot({
               x = xunif,
               y = punif(xunif, min = input$mini, max = input$maxi),
               quant = kunif,
               z = zunif,
               px = px,
               plothisto = input$showhistunif,
               plotquant = input$quantunif

shinyApp(ui, server)

plot.binom.probability <- function(trueP,
                                   px = 0,
                                   n = 100,
                                   plotquant = TRUE,
                                   percen = 25) {
   percen <- percen / 100
   x <- 0:as.integer(numTrials + numTrials / 8)
   y <- dbinom(x = x, size = numTrials, prob = trueP)
   quanti <- qbinom(percen, size = numTrials, prob = trueP)
      mfrow = c(1, 1),
      las = "1",
      pty = "s",
      xaxs = "i",
      yaxs = "i",
      col.axis = "gray30",
      cex = 1.3,
      family = "sans",
      col.lab = "gray30",
      lend = 2
   yMax = if (max(y) <= 0.05)
      limit = 0.1
      limit = round(max(y), 1) + 0.1
      x = c(0, as.integer(numTrials + numTrials / 8)),
      y = c(0, yMax),
      type = "n",
      xlab = expression("Variable"~italic(X)),
      ylab = expression(P(italic(X) == italic(x))),
      axes = FALSE,
      main = "Probability mass function"
   linew <- if (trueP == 1 || trueP == 0) 4 else 2
   for (i in 1:length(x)) {
         rep(x[i], times = 10),
         y = seq(
            from = 0,
            to = y[i],
            length.out = 10
         lwd = linew,
         col = "indianred"
   if (plotquant == TRUE) {
      if (quanti > 0) {
         for (j in 1:quanti) {
               x = rep(x[j], times = 10),
               y = seq(
                  from = 0,
                  to = y[j],
                  length.out = 10
               lwd = 8,
               col = "indianred"
      x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
      y = y[which.min(abs(x - px))],
      labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
      pos = 3,
      srt = 45,
      cex = 1,
      col = "gray47"
   axis(1, at = floor(seq(0, numTrials + numTrials / 8, length.out = 15)))

plot.negBinom.probability <- function(trueP,
                                      px = 0,
                                      n = 100,
                                      plotquant = TRUE,
                                      percen = 25) {
   percen <- percen / 100
   x <- 0:as.integer(numSuccess + numSuccess / trueP)
   y <- dnbinom(x = x, size = numSuccess, prob = trueP)
   quanti <- qnbinom(p = percen, size = numSuccess, prob = trueP)
      mfrow = c(1, 1),
      las = "1",
      pty = "s",
      xaxs = "i",
      yaxs = "i",
      col.axis = "gray30",
      cex = 1.3,
      family = "sans",
      col.lab = "gray30",
      lend = 2
   yMax = if (max(y) <= 0.05)
      limit = 0.1
      limit = round(max(y), 1) + 0.1
      x = c(0, numSuccess + numSuccess / trueP),
      y = c(0, yMax),
      type = "n",
      xlab = expression("Variable"~italic(X)),
      ylab = expression(P(italic(X) == italic(x))),
      axes = FALSE,
      main = "Probability mass function"
   linew <- if (trueP == 1 || trueP == 0) 4 else 2
   for (i in 1:length(x)) {
         rep(x[i], times = 10),
         y = seq(
            from = 0,
            to = y[i],
            length.out = 10
         lwd = linew,
         col = "indianred"
   if (plotquant == TRUE) {
      if (quanti > 0) {
         for (j in 1:min(length(x), quanti)) {
               x = rep(x[j], times = 10),
               y = seq(
                  from = 0,
                  to = y[j],
                  length.out = 10
               lwd = 8,
               col = "indianred"
      x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
      y = y[which.min(abs(x - px))],
      labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
      pos = 3,
      srt = 45,
      cex = 1,
      col = "gray47"
   axis(1, at = floor(seq(
      0, numSuccess + numSuccess / trueP,
      length.out = 15

plot.hyperG.probability <- function(m,
                                    px = 0,
                                    plotquant = TRUE,
                                    percen = 25) {
   percen <- percen / 100
   x <- 0:as.integer(numTrials + numTrials / 8) # Variable
   y <- dhyper(0:(m + nn), m, nn, numTrials)
   quanti <- qhyper(percen, m, nn, numTrials)
      mfrow = c(1, 1),
      las = "1",
      pty = "s",
      xaxs = "i",
      yaxs = "i",
      col.axis = "gray30",
      cex = 1.3,
      family = "sans",
      col.lab = "gray30",
      lend = 2
   yMax = if (max(y) <= 0.05)
      limit = 0.1
      limit = round(max(y), 1) + 0.1
      x = c(0, as.integer(numTrials + numTrials / 8)),
      y = c(0, yMax),
      type = "n",
      xlab = expression("Variable"~italic(X)),
      ylab = expression(P(italic(X) == italic(x))),
      axes = FALSE,
      main = "Probability mass function"
   for (i in 1:length(y)) {
         rep(x[i], times = 10),
         y = seq(
            from = 0,
            to = y[i],
            length.out = 10
         lwd = 2,
         col = "indianred"
   if (plotquant == TRUE) {
      if (quanti > 0) {
         for (j in 1:quanti) {
               x = rep(x[j], times = 10),
               y = seq(
                  from = 0,
                  to = y[j],
                  length.out = 10
               lwd = 8,
               col = "indianred"
      x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
      y = y[which.min(abs(x - px))],
      labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
      pos = 3,
      srt = 45,
      cex = 1,
      col = "gray47"
   axis(1, at = floor(seq(0, numTrials + numTrials / 8, length.out = 15)))

plot.poisson.probability <- function(lamda,
                                     px = 0,
                                     n = 100,
                                     plotquant = TRUE,
                                     percen = 25) {
   percen <- percen / 100
   x <- 0:as.integer(2 * lamda) # Variable
   y <- dpois(x, lamda) # Probability
   quanti <- qpois(percen, lamda)
      mfrow = c(1, 1),
      las = "1",
      pty = "s",
      xaxs = "i",
      yaxs = "i",
      col.axis = "gray30",
      cex = 1.3,
      family = "sans",
      col.lab = "gray30",
      lend = 2
   linew <- if (lamda == 0) 4 else 2
   yMax = if (max(y) <= 0.05)
      limit = 0.1
      limit = round(max(y), 1) + 0.1
      x = c(0, (2 * lamda)),
      y = c(0, yMax),
      type = "n",
      xlab = expression("Variable"~italic(X)),
      ylab = expression(P(italic(X) == italic(x))),
      axes = FALSE,
      main = "Probability mass function"
   for (i in 1:length(x)) {
         rep(x[i], times = 10),
         y = seq(
            from = 0,
            to = y[i],
            length.out = 10
         lwd = linew,
         col = "indianred"
   if (plotquant == TRUE) {
      if (quanti > 0) {
         for (j in 1:quanti) {
               x = rep(x[j], times = 10),
               y = seq(
                  from = 0,
                  to = y[j],
                  length.out = 10
               lwd = 8,
               col = "indianred"

      x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
      y = y[which.min(abs(x - px))],
      labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
      pos = 3,
      srt = 45,
      cex = 1,
      col = "gray47"
   axis(1, at = floor(seq(0, (2 * lamda),
                          length.out = 15)))


plot.binom.density <-
            px = 0,
            n = 100,
            plotquant = TRUE,
            percen = 25) {
      x <- 0:numTrials
      y <- c(0, pbinom(q = x, size = numTrials, prob = trueP))
      quant <- qbinom(percen / 100, size = numTrials, prob = trueP)
         mfrow = c(1, 1),
         las = "1",
         pty = "s",
         col.axis = "gray30",
         cex = 1.3,
         family = "sans",
         col.lab = "gray30",
         lend = 2
         stepfun(x, y),
         do.points = TRUE,
         verticals = FALSE,
         xlim = c(0, numTrials + numTrials / 8),
         lwd = 2,
         pch = 16,
         col = "darkblue",
         xpd = FALSE,
         xlab = expression("Variable"~italic(X)),
         ylab = expression(P(italic(X) <=  italic(x))), 
         main = "Cumulative probability distribution"
         x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         y = y[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
         pos = 3,
         srt = 45,
         cex = 1,
         col = "gray47"
      if (plotquant == TRUE) {
         if (quant > 0) {
            lines(rep(quant, 10), seq(0, y[which.min(abs(x - quant))],
                                      length = 10), lty = 10)
            lines(seq(min(x), quant, length = 10), 
                  rep(y[which.min(abs(x - quant))], 10), lty = 10)
      axis(1, at = floor(seq(0, numTrials + numTrials / 8, length.out = 1)))

plot.negBinom.density <-
            px = 0,
            n = 100,
            plotquant = TRUE,
            percen = 25) {
      i = numSuccess
      x <- 0:as.integer(2 * numSuccess) # Variable
      y <- c(0, pnbinom(q = x, size = numSuccess, prob = trueP))
      quant <- qnbinom(p = percen / 100,
                 size = numSuccess,
                 prob = trueP)
         mfrow = c(1, 1),
         las = "1",
         pty = "s",
         xaxs = "i",
         yaxs = "i",
         col.axis = "gray30",
         cex = 1.3,
         family = "sans",
         col.lab = "gray30",
         lend = 2
         stepfun(x, y),
         do.points = TRUE,
         verticals = FALSE,
         pch = 16,
         xlim = c(0, numSuccess + numSuccess / trueP),
         lwd = 2,
         col = "darkblue",
         xpd = FALSE,
         xlab = expression("Variable"~italic(X)),
         ylab = expression(P(italic(X) <=  italic(x))),
         main = "Cumulative probability distribution"
         x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         y = y[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
         pos = 3,
         srt = 45,
         cex = 1,
         col = "gray47"
      if (plotquant == TRUE) {
         if (quant > 0) {
            lines(rep(quant, 10),
                  seq(0, y[which.min(abs(x - quant))],
                      length = 10), lty = 10)
            lines(seq(min(x), quant, length = 10),
                  rep(y[which.min(abs(x - quant))], 10), lty = 10)
      axis(1, at = floor(seq(0, 2 * numSuccess, length.out = 1)))

plot.hyperG.density <-
            px = 0,
            n = 100,
            plotquant = TRUE,
            percen = 25) {
      x <- 0:as.integer(numTrials) # Variable
      y <- c(0, phyper(q = x, m = m, n = nn, k = numTrials))
      quant <- qhyper(percen / 100, m, nn, numTrials)
         mfrow = c(1, 1),
         las = "1",
         pty = "s",
         xaxs = "i",
         yaxs = "i",
         col.axis = "gray30",
         cex = 1.3,
         family = "sans",
         col.lab = "gray30",
         lend = 2
         stepfun(x, y),
         do.points = TRUE,
         verticals = FALSE,
         pch = 16,
         xlim = c(0, numTrials + numTrials / 4),
         lwd = 2,
         col = "darkblue",
         xpd = FALSE,
         xlab = expression("Variable"~italic(X)),
         ylab = expression(P(italic(X) <=  italic(x))),
         main = "Cumulative probability distribution"
         x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         y = y[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
         pos = 3,
         srt = 45,
         cex = 1,
         col = "gray47"
      if (plotquant == TRUE) {
         if (quant > 0) {
            lines(rep(quant, 10), seq(0, y[which.min(abs(x - quant))],
                                      length = 10), lty = 10)
            lines(seq(min(x), quant, length = 10),
                  rep(y[which.min(abs(x - quant))], 10), lty = 10)
      axis(1, at = floor(seq(0, numTrials + numTrials / 8, length.out = 1)))

plot.poisson.density <- function(lamda,
                                 px = 0,
                                 n = 100,
                                 plotquant = TRUE,
                                 percen = 25) {
   numTrials <- n
   x <- 0:numTrials
   y <- c(0, ppois(x, lamda))
   quant <- qpois(percen / 100, lamda)
      mfrow = c(1, 1),
      las = "1",
      pty = "s",
      xaxs = "i",
      yaxs = "i",
      col.axis = "gray30",
      cex = 1.3,
      family = "sans",
      col.lab = "gray30",
      lend = 2
      stepfun(x, y),
      do.points = TRUE,
      pch = 16,
      verticals = FALSE,
      xlim = c(0, (2 * lamda)),
      lwd = 2,
      col = "darkblue",
      xpd = FALSE,
      xlab = expression("Variable"~italic(X)),
      ylab = expression(P(italic(X) <=  italic(x))),
      main = "Cumulative probability distribution"
      x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
      y = y[which.min(abs(x - px))],
      labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
      pos = 3,
      srt = 45,
      cex = 1,
      col = "gray47"
   if (plotquant == TRUE) {
      if (quant > 0) {
         lines(rep(quant, 10), seq(0, y[which.min(abs(x - quant))],
                                   length = 10), lty = 10)
         lines(seq(min(x), quant, length = 10),
               rep(y[which.min(abs(x - quant))], 10), lty = 10)
   axis(1, at = floor(seq(0, (2 * lamda), length.out = 1)))


plot.continuous.pdf <-
            px = 0,
            plotquant = TRUE,
            plothisto = FALSE) {

         mfrow = c(1, 1),
         las = "1",
         pty = "s",
         xaxs = "i",
         yaxs = "i",
         col.axis = "gray30",
         cex = 1.3,
         family = "sans",
         col.lab = "gray30",
         lend = 2
         c(min(x), max(x)),
         c(0, max(y) * 1.2),
         type = "n",
         xlim = c(min(x), max(x)),
         ylim = c(0, min(1.5, max(y) * 1.2)),
         xlab = expression("Variable"~italic(X)),
         ylab = expression(f(italic(X) == italic(x))),
         axes = FALSE,
         main = "Probability density function"
      if (plotquant == TRUE) {
            col = rgb(0.9137255, 0.5882353, 0.4784314, 0.2),
            border = NA
      if (plothisto == TRUE) {
            z[z >= min(x) & z <= max(x)],
            add = TRUE,
            col = rgb(0.8039, 0.3608, 0.3608, 0.3),
            freq = FALSE,
            border = rgb(1, 1, 1, 1)
            lwd = 2,
            col = "indianred",
            xpd = FALSE)
      yvar <- y[which.min(abs(x - px))]
      posit <- 3
         x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         y = yvar,
         labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
         pos = posit,
         srt = 0,
         cex = 1,
         offset = 0.2,
         col = "gray47",
         xpd = T


plot.continuous.df <-
            px = 0,
            plothisto = FALSE,
            plotquant = FALSE,
            quant) {
      hcum <- hist(z[z >= min(x) & z <= max(x)], plot = FALSE)
      hcum$density <- cumsum(hcum$density) / sum(hcum$density)
         mfrow = c(1, 1),
         las = "1",
         pty = "s",
         xaxs = "i",
         yaxs = "i",
         col.axis = "gray30",
         cex = 1.3,
         family = "sans",
         col.lab = "gray30",
         lend = 2
         c(min(x), max(x)),
         c(0, 1),
         type = "n",
         xlim = c(min(x), max(x)),
         ylim = 0:1,
         xlab = expression("Variable"~italic(X)),
         ylab = expression(P(italic(X) <=  italic(x))),
         axes = FALSE,
         main = "Cumulative distribution function"
      if (plothisto == TRUE) {
            add = TRUE,
            col = rgb(0.3922, 0.5843, 0.9294, 0.3),
            freq = FALSE,
            border = rgb(1, 1, 1, 1)
      yvar <- y[which.min(abs(x - px))]
      if (plotquant == TRUE) {
         lines(rep(quant, 10),
               seq(0, y[which.min(abs(x - quant))], length = 10), lty = 10)
         lines(seq(min(x), quant, length = 10), 
               rep(y[which.min(abs(x - quant))], 10), lty = 10)
            lwd = 2,
            col = "cornflowerblue",
            xpd = FALSE)
      posit <- 3
         x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         y = yvar,
         labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
         pos = posit,
         srt = 0,
         cex = 1,
         offset = 0.2,
         col = "gray47",
         xpd = TRUE
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