Prior odds, Bayes Factor and posterior odds

Enter your prior observations and new observations to see how the prior odds and Bayes Factor combine to get the posterior odds

The null hypothesis (H0) states that successes and failures occur at the same frequency

show with app
# Pizza App 
# Authors:
#  Claudia Glemser, Tuebingen
#  Umberto Granziol, Padua
#  Stefanie Jauk, Graz
#  Richard Naar, Tartu
#  Holly Scott, Glasgow
#  Wilhemiina Toivo, Glasgow
# A thank you to Eric-Jan Wagenmaker and Quentin Gronau for their contribution! 


ui <- fluidPage(
					 title = HTML(
												Prior odds, Bayes Factor and posterior odds </strong></h2>
												<h4><em> Enter your prior observations and new
												observations to see how the prior odds and Bayes Factor
												combine to get the posterior odds </em></h4>
												<h5><br><em>The null hypothesis (H0) states that
												successes and failures occur at the same frequency
					 windowTitle = "An extremely shiny app"

	fluidRow( # successes and failures
		column(2, offset = 2, align = "center",
					 numericInput("prior_a", "Prior successes",
												value = 1, min = 1, max = 10000)					 ),

 		column(2, align = "center",
					 numericInput("prior_b", "Prior failures",
												value = 1, min = 1, max = 10000)					 ),

		column(2, offset = 1, align = "center",
					 numericInput("obs_a", "Observed successes",
												value = 1, min = 1, max = 10000)					 ),

		column(2, align = "center",
					 numericInput("obs_b", "Observed failures",
												value = 1, min = 1, max = 10000)					 )

						 textOutput("text1"), br(),
						 textOutput("text2"), br(),
						 textOutput("text3"), br(),
						 tags$head(tags$style("#text1{color: darkblue;}
																	 #text2{color: blue;}
																	 #text3{color: darkred;}"

			column(3, align = "center",
						 plotOutput("prior", width = "200px", height = "200px")

			column(3, align = "center",
						 br(), br(), br(),
						 img(src = "Figure.png", width = "350px")

			column(3, align = "center",
						 plotOutput("pizza", width = "200px", height = "200px")

						 textOutput("text4"), br(),
						 textOutput("text5"), br(),
						 tags$head(tags$style("#text4{color: red;}
																	 #text5{color: purple;}
																	 #text6{color: darkorchid;}"

			column(9, align = "center",
		 				 plotOutput("plot3", width = "200px", height = "200px")
server <- function(input, output){

# prior plot
  priorPlot <- function(ratio){
    inv_ratio <- 1 / ratio
    radius <- 0.4                                ## centre coloured area
    A <- radius^2 * pi
    alpha <- 2 / (inv_ratio + 1) * A / radius^2
    startpos <- pi / 2 - alpha/2
    plot(1, axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE)
		title(main = "Prior odds\n\n", xlab = "H0\n", font.lab = 1,
					cex.lab = 1)
		title(main = "\nH1\n", font.main = 1, cex.main = 1)
		op <- par(xpd = TRUE)
    floating.pie(1, 1, c(ratio, 1),
                 radius = radius, 
                 col = c("darkblue", "blue"),
                 lwd = 2, startpos = startpos)
  BF_calc <- reactive({
		p.a <- input$prior_a
	  p.b <- input$prior_b
	  o.a <- input$obs_a
	  o.b <- input$obs_b
	  para1 <- p.a + o.a
	  para2 <- p.b + o.b

	  model0 <- dbeta(.5, p.a, p.b)
	  model1 <- dbeta(.5, para1, para2)
	  bayes01 <- model1/model0
	  bayes10 <- model0/model1


# create the plot output
	output$prior <- renderPlot({
	    a <- 0.000001 + input$prior_a
	    b <- 0.000001 + input$prior_b
	    if ((a-b) == 0)
	    {priorPlot(ratio = 1)}
	    {priorPlot(ratio = a/b)}


# BF plot function
	BFpizzaPlot <- function(BF10){
		BF01 <- 1 / BF10
    radius <- 0.4																 ## centre coloured area
    A <- radius^2 * pi
    alpha <- 2 / (BF01 + 1) * A / radius^2
    startpos <- pi / 2 - alpha/2
    plot(1, axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE)
		title(main = "Bayes factor\n\n", xlab = "H0\n", font.lab = 1,
					cex.lab = 1)
		title(main = "\nH1\n", font.main = 1, cex.main = 1)
    op <- par(xpd = TRUE)
    floating.pie(1, 1, c(BF10, 1),
								 radius = radius,
								 col = c("darkred", "red"),
								 lwd = 2, startpos = startpos)

# create the plot output
	output$pizza <- renderPlot({
		if(input$obs_a != 0 | input$obs_b != 0)
		{BFpizzaPlot(BF10 = BF_calc())}

# posterior plot
  PosteriorPlot <- function(ratio2){
    inv_ratio <- 1 / ratio2
    radius <- 0.4                                ## centre coloured area
    A <- radius^2 * pi
    alpha <- 2 / (inv_ratio + 1) * A / radius^2
    startpos <- pi / 2 - alpha/2
    plot(1, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")  ## draw probability wheel
		title(main = "Posterior odds\n\n", xlab = "H0\n", font.lab = 1,
					cex.lab = 1)
		title(main = "\nH1\n", font.main = 1, cex.main = 1)
    op <- par(xpd = TRUE)
    floating.pie(1, 1, c(ratio2, 1),
                 radius = radius, 
                 col = c("purple4", "purple"),
                 lwd = 2, startpos = startpos)

	p_ratio <- reactive({
		a <- 0.000001 + input$prior_a
	  b <- 0.000001 + input$prior_b
	  p_ratio <- a/b

	output$plot3 <- renderPlot({
		if(input$obs_a != 0 | input$obs_b != 0)

# Reactive text output
	Priortext1  <- reactive(round(input$prior_a/
																sum(input$prior_b + input$prior_a),
																digits = 2))
	Priortext2 <- reactive(round(input$prior_b/
															 (input$prior_a + input$prior_b),
															 digits = 2))

	Bayestext1 <- reactive(round(BF_calc(), digits = 2))
	Bayestext2 <- reactive(round(1/BF_calc(), digits = 2))

	Post_text1 <- reactive(round(p_ratio()*BF_calc(), digits = 2))
	Post_text2 <- reactive(round(1/(p_ratio()*BF_calc()), digits = 2))

# create text output 

	output$text1 <- renderText({
		paste("These are your prior odds in favour of the alternative hypothesis
					(H1):", Priortext1())

	output$text2 <- renderText({
					paste("These are your prior odds in favour of the null hypothesis
								(H0):", Priortext2())
	output$text3 <- renderText({
		if(input$obs_a != 0 | input$obs_b != 0)
		{paste("This is your Bayes Factor in favour of H1:",

	output$text4 <- renderText({
					if(input$obs_a != 0 | input$obs_b != 0)
					{paste("This is your Bayes Factor in favour of H0:",

	output$text5 <- renderText({
					if(input$obs_a != 0 | input$obs_b != 0)
					{paste("This is your posterior odds in favour of H1:",

	output$text6 <- renderText({
					if(input$obs_a != 0 | input$obs_b != 0)
					{paste("This is your posterior odds in favour of H0:",
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

# when prior & posteriors 0,0 -> BF & PO make sense?
#                             -> insert sth other than NaN for prior?
# insert formula as an img() (screenshot, cut and paste LaTeX output)
# make slides