Comparing model specifications

Example Experimental Scenario

You want to see how reaction times to stimulus onset differ before and after drinking alcohol. Your design is within subjects, so each participant completes the task both sober and drunk. Now you can choose if the same list of stimuli is shown in both conditions (so the conditions will be within-item), or different lists are shown in the two conditions (the conditions would be between-item).

You can simulate some data by setting the following values:

  • Number of subjects

  • Number of items

  • Fixed intercept – the overall mean reaction time of the subjects.

  • Fixed effect – the overall effect of alcohol on reaction times.

  • Residuals - difference between the predicted reaction times and real data (in SDs)

  • By-subject random intercept – the difference in reaction times between people (in SDs)

  • By-subject random slope – the difference in the effect of alcohol across people (in SDs)

  • By-subject random correlation – do you expect that the effect of alcohol would be bigger in people who in general have higher (positive correlation) or lower (negative correlation) reaction times? Or do you expect there to be no correlation?

  • By-item random intercept – the difference in reaction times to different items (in SDs)

  • By-item random slope – the difference in the effect of alcohol in reaction times to different items (in SDs)

  • By-item random correlation – if you set the conditions to be WITHIN-item, do you expect that reaction times to items that in general are reacted to quicker will be affected less (negative correlation) or more (positive correlation) by alcohol? Or do you expect there to be no correlation?

Generate your data, then explore how different models perform, and choose which model works best for the design you chose!

show with app

#Shiny server function

       dat <- eventReactive(input$go,{
           prams <- c(int = input$int,
                      eff = input$eff,
                      err = input$err,
                      t00 = input$t00,
                      t11 = input$t11,
                      rsub = input$rsub,
                      w00 = input$w00,
                      w11 = input$w11,
                      ritm = input$ritm,
                      miss = 0,
                      pMin = 0,
                      pMax = 0
           is_between_item <- input$C2
           nsubj <- input$nsubj
           nitem <- input$nitem
           data <- mkDf(nsubj, nitem, is_between_item, prams)
           ## make simulated data
           data <- mkDf(nsubj, nitem, is_between_item, prams)
    output$tbl = DT::renderDataTable(dat(),
                                     server = TRUE, 
                                     options = list(dom = 'C<"clear">lfrtip'))
    output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = paste0("simulated_data_", Sys.Date(),".csv"),
        content = function(file) {
    #The models
    #Model with by-subject random intercept + slope and by-item random intercept
    mod <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        # if ("Model with by-subject random intercept + slope and by-item random intercept" %in% input$model_types){
        inut_data <- dat()
        mf <- (Resp ~ Cond + (1 + Cond | SubjID) + (1 | ItemID))
        mod <- lmer(mf, inut_data, REML=FALSE)
        # }
        # else{
        #     return(NULL)
        # }
    output$mod_1 <- renderPrint({

    #Model with by-subject random intercept and by-item random intercept
    mod_no_slope <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        # if ("Model with by-subject random intercept and by-item random intercept" %in% input$model_types){
            inut_data <- dat()
            mf_no_slope <- (Resp ~ Cond + (1| SubjID) + (1 | ItemID))
            mod <- lmer(mf_no_slope, inut_data, REML=FALSE)
        #     }
        # else{
        #     return(NULL)
        # }
    output$mod_2 <- renderPrint({
    #Model with only fixed effects
    mod_no_random <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        # if ("Model with only fixed effects" %in% input$model_types){
            inut_data <- dat()
            mf_no_random <- (Resp ~ Cond)
            mod <- lm(mf_no_random, inut_data)
            # }
        # else{
        #     return(NULL)
        # }
    output$mod_3 <- renderPrint({
    #Model with by-item intercept and slope
    mod_overfitted <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        # if ("Model with by-item intercept and slope" %in% input$model_types){
            inut_data <- dat()
            mf_overfitted <- (Resp ~ Cond + (1 + Cond | SubjID) + (1 + Cond | ItemID))
            mod <- lmer(mf_overfitted, inut_data, REML = FALSE)
        #     }
        # else{
        #     return(NULL)
        # }
    output$mod_4 <- renderPrint({
    # output$mod_11 <- renderUI({
    #     (HTML(stargazer(mod_1(),mod_2(),mod_3(),mod_4(),type = "html")))
    # })
    # output$mod_22 <- renderUI({
    #     (HTML(stargazer(mod_3(),mod_4(),type = "html")))
    # })
    ##Stargazer's tables
    fixed_mod_no_random <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        mod_no_random_int <- round(((summary(mod_no_random()))$coefficients[1,1:3]),3)
        mod_no_random_slp <- round(((summary(mod_no_random()))$coefficients[2,1:3]),3)
        fixed_mod_no_random <- data.frame(mod_no_random_int, mod_no_random_slp)
        colnames(fixed_mod_no_random) <- c("Intercept", "Slope")
    fixed_mod_no_slope <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        mod_no_slope_int <- round(((summary(mod_no_slope()))$coefficients[1,1:3]),3)
        mod_no_slope_slp <- round(((summary(mod_no_slope()))$coefficients[2,1:3]),3)
        fixed_mod_no_slope <- data.frame(mod_no_slope_int, mod_no_slope_slp)
        colnames(fixed_mod_no_slope) <- c("Intercept", "Slope")
    random_mod_no_slope <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        vc_mod_no_slope <- VarCorr(mod_no_slope())
        s_mod_ns <- sqrt(diag(vc_mod_no_slope [["SubjID"]])) # by-subject random intercept, SD
        i_mod_ns <- sqrt(diag(vc_mod_no_slope [["ItemID"]])) # by-item random intercept, SD
        #attr(vc_mod_no_slope, "sc") # residuals
        mod_ns_re <- data.frame(Groups=c("SubjID", "SubjID", "ItemID", "ItemID", "Residuals"),
                                Name = c("Intercept", "Cond", "Intercept", "Cond","-"),
                                Std.Dev = c(round((s_mod_ns),3), "-", round((i_mod_ns),3), "-", round((attr(vc_mod_no_slope, "sc")),3) ) )
    fixed_mod <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        mod_int <- round(((summary(mod()))$coefficients[1,1:3]),3)
        mod_slp <- round(((summary(mod()))$coefficients[2,1:3]),3)
        fixed_mod <- data.frame(mod_int, mod_slp)
        colnames(fixed_mod) <- c("Intercept", "Slope")
    random_mod <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        vc_mod <- VarCorr(mod())
        s_mod <- sqrt(diag(vc_mod[["SubjID"]])) # by-subject random intercept and slope, SD
        i_mod <- sqrt(diag(vc_mod[["ItemID"]])) # by-item random intercept, SD
        #attr(vc_mod, "sc") # residuals
        #attr(vc_mod[["SubjID"]], "correlation")[1,2] # correlation between by-subject intercept and slope
        mod_re <- data.frame(Groups=c("SubjID", "SubjID", "ItemID", "ItemID", "Residuals"),
                             Name = c("Intercept", "Cond", "Intercept", "Cond","-"),
                             Std.Dev = c(round((s_mod[1]),3), round((s_mod[2]),3), round((i_mod[1]),3), "-", round ((attr(vc_mod, "sc")),3) ),
                             Correlation=c( round((attr(vc_mod[["SubjID"]], "correlation")[1,2]), 3), "-", "-", "-", "-"))
    fixed_mod_overfitted <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        mod_overfitted_int <- round(((summary(mod_overfitted()))$coefficients[1,1:3]),3)
        mod_overfitted_slp <- round(((summary(mod_overfitted()))$coefficients[2,1:3]),3)
        fixed_mod_overfitted <- data.frame(mod_overfitted_int, mod_overfitted_slp)
        colnames(fixed_mod_overfitted) <- c("Intercept", "Slope")
    random_mod_overfitted <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        vc_mod_overfitted <- VarCorr(mod_overfitted())
        s_mod_o <- sqrt(diag(vc_mod_overfitted[["SubjID"]])) # by-subject random intercept and slope, SD
        i_mod_o <- sqrt(diag(vc_mod_overfitted[["ItemID"]])) # by-item random intercept and slope, SD
        #attr(vc_mod_overfitted, "sc") # residuals
        #attr(vc_mod_overfitted[["SubjID"]], "correlation")[1,2] # correlation between by-subject intercept and slope
        #attr(vc_mod_overfitted[["ItemID"]], "correlation")[1,2] # correlation between by-item intercept and slope
        mod_o_re <- data.frame(Groups=c("SubjID", "SubjID", "ItemID", "ItemID", "Residuals"),
                               Name = c("Intercept", "Cond", "Intercept", "Cond","-"),
                               Std.Dev = c(round((s_mod_o[1]),3), round((s_mod_o[2]),3), round((i_mod_o[1]),3), round((i_mod_o[2]),3), round((attr(vc_mod_overfitted, "sc")),3) ),
                               Correlation=c(round((attr(vc_mod_overfitted[["SubjID"]], "correlation")[1,2]),3), "-", round((attr(vc_mod_overfitted[["ItemID"]], "correlation")[1,2]),3), "-", "-"))
    output$fixed_mod_no_random_tab <- renderUI({
        (HTML(stargazer(fixed_mod_no_random(),title = "Model with no random efects - fixed effects          ",
                        notes="Model syntax: (Resp ~ Cond)", nobs = FALSE,
                        font.size = "Huge",
                        column.sep.width = "10pt",summary = FALSE,
                        min.max= FALSE, type = "html")))
    output$fixed_mod_no_slope_tab <- renderUI({
        (HTML(stargazer(fixed_mod_no_slope(),title="Model with by-subject random intercept and by-item random intercept - fixed effects",
                        notes="Model syntax: (Resp ~ Cond + (1| SubjID) + (1 | ItemID))", nobs = FALSE,
                        font.size = "Huge",
                        column.sep.width = "10pt",summary = FALSE,
                        min.max= FALSE, type = "html")))
    output$random_mod_no_slope_tab <- renderUI({
        (HTML(stargazer(random_mod_no_slope(),title="Model with by-subject random intercept and by-item random intercept - random effects",
                        notes="Model syntax: (Resp ~ Cond + (1| SubjID) + (1 | ItemID))", nobs = FALSE,
                        font.size = "Huge",
                        column.sep.width = "10pt",summary = FALSE,
                        min.max= FALSE, type = "html")))
    output$fixed_mod_tab <- renderUI({
        (HTML(stargazer(fixed_mod(),title="Model with by-subject random intercept + slope and by-item random intercept - fixed effects",
                        notes="Model syntax: (Resp ~ Cond + (1 + Cond | SubjID) + (1 | ItemID))", nobs = FALSE,
                        font.size = "Huge",
                        column.sep.width = "10pt",summary = FALSE,
                        min.max= FALSE, type = "html")))
    output$random_mod_tab <- renderUI({
        (HTML(stargazer(random_mod(),title="Model with by-subject random intercept + slope and by-item random intercept - random effects",
                        notes="Model syntax: (Resp ~ Cond + (1 + Cond | SubjID) + (1 | ItemID))", nobs = FALSE,
                        font.size = "Huge",
                        column.sep.width = "10pt", summary = FALSE,
                        min.max= FALSE, type = "html")))
    output$fixed_mod_overfitted_tab <- renderUI({
        (HTML(stargazer(fixed_mod_overfitted(),title="Model with by-item and by-subject intercept and slope - fixed effects",
                        notes="Model syntax: (Resp ~ Cond + (1 + Cond | SubjID) + (1 + Cond | ItemID))", nobs = FALSE,
                        font.size = "Huge",
                        column.sep.width = "10pt",summary = FALSE,
                        min.max= FALSE, type = "html")))
    output$random_mod_overfitted_tab <- renderUI({
        (HTML(stargazer(random_mod_overfitted(),title="Model with by-item and by-subject intercept and slope - random effects",
                        notes="Model syntax: (Resp ~ Cond + (1 + Cond | SubjID) + (1 + Cond | ItemID))", nobs = FALSE,
                        font.size = "Huge",
                        column.sep.width = "10pt",
                        min.max= FALSE, summary = FALSE, type = "html")))
    plots_combined <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        fitted_overfitted <- fitted(mod_overfitted())
        residuals_overfitted <- residuals(mod_overfitted(),"pearson")
        fitted_no_slope <- fitted(mod_no_slope())
        residuals_no_slope <- residuals(mod_no_slope(),"pearson")
        fitted_no_random <- fitted(mod_no_random())
        residuals_no_random <- residuals(mod_no_random(),"pearson")
        fitted_ <- fitted(mod())
        residuals_ <- residuals(mod(),"pearson")
        all_fitted <- c(fitted_overfitted, fitted_no_slope, fitted_no_random, fitted_)
        all_res <- c(residuals_overfitted, residuals_no_slope, residuals_no_random, residuals_)
        names <- c(rep("crossed random effects", length(fitted_overfitted)),
                   rep("by-item by-subject random intercept", length(fitted_no_slope)),
                   rep("only fixed effects", length(fitted_no_random)),
                   rep("by-item by-subject random intercept and by-subject random slope", length(fitted_)))
        names <- factor(names, levels = c("crossed random effects", "by-item by-subject random intercept", 
                                          "only fixed effects", 
                                          "by-item by-subject random intercept and by-subject random slope"), ordered=TRUE)
        input <- data.frame(all_fitted, all_res, names)
        p <- ggplot(data = input, aes(x=all_fitted, y=all_res, colour=names, alpha=0.3)) +
            geom_point(size = 2) +
            geom_smooth(data = input[input$names != "only fixed effects", ]) +
            #geom_jitter() +
            geom_abline(col="gold") +
            facet_wrap(~ names)+
            ggtitle("Fitted vs residual plot")+
            theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.7, face="bold", size = 16))+
            theme(axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", size=12))+
            theme(axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", size=12))+
            scale_y_continuous(name="Residual values (Pearson residuals)")+
            scale_x_continuous(name="Fitted values")
    output$plot <- renderPlot({plots_combined()}, height = 900)
    ##Model comparison
    model_comparison <- eventReactive(input$go,{
        aic_data <- AIC(mod_no_random(), mod(), mod_no_slope(), mod_overfitted())
        aic_dataframe <- data.frame(Models = c("Fixed Effects Only", "By-S and By-I Random Intercept",
                                               "By-S and By-I Random Intercept, and By-S Random Slope" ,"Crossed Random Effects"),
                                    Df = c(aic_data[,1]),
                                    AIC = c(aic_data[,2]))
    output$AIC <- renderUI({
        (HTML(stargazer(model_comparison(),title="Comparing the models",
                        notes="Model comparison is done by Aikake Information Criteria (AIC)", nobs = FALSE,
                        font.size = "Huge",
                        column.sep.width = "10pt",
                        min.max= FALSE, summary = FALSE, type = "html")))

    #Select a model tab
observeEvent(input$select_model, {
      if (input$select_model == ""){
        output$the_answer <- renderText( print("") )
      if (input$select_model == "fixed"){
        output$the_answer <- renderText( print("Try again! This is the simplest model that most people will use, but it does not take into accout individual differences in reaction times
                                               or individual differences in the effect of alcohol in reaction times!") )
      if (input$select_model == "rand_intercept"){
        output$the_answer <- renderText( print("OK, you are almost there, but something is still missing! Now you have included overall individual differences in reaction times
                                               between subjects and between items. But will everyone be affected by alcohol in the same way?") )
      if (input$select_model == "rand_2" & input$C2 == FALSE){
        output$the_answer <- renderText( print("Correct! You used different stimuli for the after alcohol and before alcohol condition, so you only needed a 
                                               by-item random intercept! And, as all participants completed both conditions you needed both by-subject random slope and intercept.
                                               Well done!") )
      if (input$select_model == "rand_2" & input$C2 == TRUE){
        output$the_answer <- renderText( print("Hmmm, almost there! All participants completed both conditions, so you correctly included the by-subject random slope and intercept.
                                               And you correctly identified that you need a by-item random intercept. However, you used the same items in both the before and after alcohol conditions, 
                                               so there is still something missing!") )
       if (input$select_model == "rand_3" & input$C2 == FALSE){
        output$the_answer <- renderText( print("Oooops, the model you selected has too many random effects given the design you selected! You used different stimuli for the before 
                                               and after alcohol conditions, so you only need a by-item random intercept!") )

      if (input$select_model == "rand_3" & input$C2 == TRUE){
        output$the_answer <- renderText( print("Absolutely correct! Well done!") )







### Names
### Reny Baykova, University of Glasgow,
### Anna-Elisabeth Schnell, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
### Mait Metelitsa, University of Tartu
### Jakob Scheunemann, Carl von Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg
### Kadi Tulver, University of Tartu
### Nathasja Franke, University of Leuven


    titlePanel("Comparing model specifications"),
        sidebarPanel("Data simulation parameters",
                    #checkboxInput("C1", label="Select all the model specification types", value = FALSE),
                    sliderInput("nsubj", "Set the number of subjects", min = 10, max = 100, value = 50, step = 2),
                    sliderInput("nitem", "Set the number of items", min = 10, max = 100, value = 50, step = 2),
                    sliderInput("int", "Set the fixed intercept", min = 1, max = 500, value = 250),
                    sliderInput("eff", "Set the fixed effect of condition", min = 1, max = 100, value = 50),
                    sliderInput("err", "Set the residual SD", min = 1, max = 100, value = 50),
                    sliderInput("t00", "Set the by-subject random intercept (SD)", min = 1, max = 100, value = 50),
                    sliderInput("t11", "Set the by-subject random slope (SD)", min = 1, max = 40, value = 20),
                    sliderInput("rsub", "Set the by-subject random correlation (-1 to 1)", min = -1, max = 1, value = 0,step = 0.1),
                    sliderInput("w00", "Set the by-item random intercept", min = 1, max = 20, value = 10),
                    sliderInput("w11", "Set the by-item random slope", min = 1, max = 20, value = 10),
                    sliderInput("ritm", "Set the by-item random correlation", min = -1, max = 1, value = 0,step = 0.1),
                    checkboxInput("C2", label="Check this box to use within-item condition (defaults to between-item)", value = FALSE),
                    actionButton("go","See the results"),
                    downloadButton('downloadData','Save my file!')
                       ".shiny-output-error { visibility: hidden; }",
                       ".shiny-output-error:before { visibility: hidden; }"),
                tabPanel(title = "Description of our app",
                tabPanel("Explore the data",
                tabPanel("Comparison of simulation parameters and models",
                         #uiOutput(outputId = "mod_22"),
                         #uiOutput(outputId = "mod_11"),
                         uiOutput(outputId = "fixed_mod_no_random_tab"),
                         uiOutput(outputId = "fixed_mod_no_slope_tab"),
                         uiOutput(outputId = "random_mod_no_slope_tab"),
                         uiOutput(outputId = "fixed_mod_tab"),
                         uiOutput(outputId = "random_mod_tab"),
                         uiOutput(outputId = "fixed_mod_overfitted_tab"),
                         uiOutput(outputId = "random_mod_overfitted_tab"),
                         uiOutput(outputId = "AIC")
                tabPanel("Diagnostic plots for fitted models",
                tabPanel("Select a model",
                             radioButtons("select_model", "Select a model:", c("None selected" = "",
                                                                               "Fixed effects only" = "fixed",
                                                                               "By-subject and by-item random intercept" = "rand_intercept",
                                                                               "By-subject and by-item random intercept, and by-subject random slope"= "rand_2",
                                                                               "By-subject and by-item random intercept and slope (crossed random effects)" = "rand_3"))
                             textOutput(outputId = "the_answer")
                             )  ))