Imagine that you would like to assess a students knowledge about algebra. According to KST the collection of all possible questions that you can ask about algebra is referred to as a domain of knowledge.
The knowledge that a student actually has is called a knowledge state.
So all of the knowledge states of the whole population constitutes the knowledge structure.
In order to assign a student to the right knowledge state, our shiny app interacts with the person in a computer section.
It works like this: you ask someone a question, like
B - How many edges does a square have?
If the person is not able to correctly answer the question, you can assume that s/he will not be able to answer the question
E - How many edges does a pyramid have?
So we saw that “B” is a predecessor of “E” (B ≾ E)
A surmise relation can be represented by a graph which is called a Hasse Diagram.
With the app, you will be able to review some background theory, read some examples, and test your knowledge on elementary probability theory and get to know your results and knowledge state and see them represented in a hasse diagram!