This shiny app, allows you to explore many different probability distributions in an interactive manner. This app has 3 menus in the top bar. The Start menu is where you are now and where you can find some information on how to use this app and some introductory information regarding probability distributions. The two remaining menus (Discrete and Continuous) will allow you to choose from various probability distribution and, once you choose one, you will be able to see how each distribution behaves when certain parameters are changed. To change each parameter you just need to move the sliders, properly labeled, available for each distribution.


Probability distributions are a description of a random phenomenon in terms of the probabilities of events. They are defined in terms of an underlying sample space, which is the set of possible outcomes of the random phenomenon being observed (set of real numbers, higher-dimensional vector space, non-numerical values).

Probability distribution are often divided into 2 main groups:

● Discrete Probability Distribution: applicable to the scenarios where the set of possible outcomes is discrete (a particular range of real values for which, for any value in the range that the variable is permitted to take on, there is a positive minimum distance to the nearest other permissible value), encoded by a discrete list of the probabilities of the outcomes, known as a Probability Mass Distribution;

● Continuous Probability Distribution: applicable to the scenarios where the set of possible outcomes can take on values in a continuous range, typically described by Probability Density Funtion, with the probability of any individual outcome actually being 0.


Binomial Distribution
can be thought of as simply the probability of a success or failure outcome in an experiment or survey that is repeated multiple times. The binomial is a type of distribution that has two possible outcomes (the prefix "bi" means two, or twice). The first variable in the binomial formula, n, stands for the number of times the experiment is performed. The second variable, p, represents the probability of one specific outcome.

Binomial Distributions must meet the following three criteria:

● The number of observations or trials is fixed. In other words, you can only figure out the probability of something happening if you do it a certain number of times;

● Each observation or trial is independent. In other words, none of your trials have an effect on the probability of the next trial;

● The probability of success (tails, heads, fail or pass) is exactly the same from one trial to another.

Negative Binomial Distribution
is a discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of independent and identically distributed binomial trials (a.k.a Bernoulli trials) before a specified (non-random) number of failures (denoted r) occurs. For example, if we define a 1 as failure, all non-1s as successes, and we throw a dice repeatedly until the third time 1 appears (r = three failures), then the probability distribution of the number of non-1s that had appeared will be a negative binomial.

Hypergeometric Distribution
is a discrete probability distribution that describes the probability of k successes (random draws for which the object drawn has a specified feature) in n draws, without replacement, from a finite population of size N that contains exactly K objects with that feature, wherein each draw is either a success or a failure.

Two conditions characterize the hypergeometric distribution:

● The result of each draw (the elements of the population being sampled) can be classified into one of two mutually exclusive categories (e.g. Pass/Fail or Employed/Unemployed).

● The probability of a success changes on each draw, as each draw decreases the population (sampling without replacement from a finite population).

Poisson Distribution
is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space if these events occur with a known constant rate and independently of the time since the last event. The Poisson distribution can also be used for the number of events in other specified intervals such as distance, area or volume. For instance, an individual keeping track of the amount of mail they receive each day may notice that they receive an average number of 4 letters per day. If receiving any particular piece of mail does not affect the arrival times of future pieces of mail, i.e., if pieces of mail from a wide range of sources arrive independently of one another, then a reasonable assumption is that the number of pieces of mail received in a day obeys a Poisson distribution.

The Poisson distribution is an appropriate model if the following assumptions are true:

k is the number of times an event occurs in an interval and k can take values 0, 1, 2,…;

● The occurrence of one event does not affect the probability that a second event will occur. That is, events occur independently;

● The rate at which events occur is constant. The rate cannot be higher in some intervals and lower in other intervals;

● Two events cannot occur at exactly the same instant; instead, at each very small sub-interval exactly one event either occurs or does not occur;

● The probability of an event in a small sub-interval is proportional to the length of the sub-interval;


● The actual probability distribution is given by a binomial distribution and the number of trials is sufficiently bigger than the number of successes one is asking about.

Normal Distribution
is a very common continuous probability distribution. Normal distributions are important in statistics and are often used in the natural and social sciences to represent real-valued random variables whose distributions are not known. A random variable with a Gaussian distribution is said to be normally distributed and is called a normal deviate.

The normal distribution is useful because of the central limit theorem. In its most general form, under some conditions (which include finite variance), it states that averages of samples of observations of random variables independently drawn from independent distributions converge in distribution to the normal, that is, become normally distributed when the number of observations is sufficiently large.

Student's t-Distribution
(or simply the t-distribution) is any member of a family of continuous probability distributions that arises when estimating the mean of a normally distributed population in situations where the sample size is small and population standard deviation is unknown.

is a continuous probability distribution that arises frequently as the null distribution of a test statistic, most notably in the analysis of variance (ANOVA), e.g., F-test. In other words it arises in the testing of whether two observed samples have the same variance.

Chi-squared Distribution
with k degrees of freedom is the distribution of a sum of the squares of k independent standard normal random variables. The chi-square distribution is one of the most widely used probability distributions in inferential statistics, e.g., in hypothesis testing or in construction of confidence intervals.

Exponential Distribution
(a.k.a negative exponential distribution) is the probability distribution that describes the time between events in a Poisson point process, i.e., a process in which events occur continuously and independently at a constant average rate. It is a particular case of the gamma distribution. It is the continuous analogue of the geometric distribution, and it has the key property of being memoryless. In addition to being used for the analysis of Poisson point processes it is found in various other contexts.

The exponential distribution often models waiting times and can help you to answer questions like "How much time will go by before a major hurricane hits the Atlantic Seaboard?" or "How long will the transmission in my car last before it breaks?". If you assume that the answer to these questions is unknown, you can think of the elapsed time as a random variable with an exponential distribution as long as the events occur continuously and independently at a constant rate.

Continuous Uniform Distribution
or rectangular distribution is a family of symmetric probability distributions such that for each member of the family, all intervals of the same length on the distribution's support are equally probable. The support is defined by the two parameters, a and b, which are its minimum and maximum values. The distribution is often abbreviated U(a,b). It is the maximum entropy probability distribution for a random variate X under no constraint other than that it is contained in the distribution's support.

show with app

# setwd("D:/RShiny - Distributions Projects/ShinyApp2018_V2")

ui <- fluidPage(theme = "theme.css",
  navbarPage(title = "Distributions",
                 tabPanel(title = "Start",
                               HTML('<p style="margin-left:30em,;line-height: 5 em;"><B><h3>PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION SHINY APP</h3></B></p>
                                    <p>This shiny app, allows you to explore many different probability distributions in an
                                    interactive manner. This app has 3 menus in the top bar. The Start menu is where you are
                                    now and where you can find some information on how to use this app and some introductory 
                                    information regarding probability distributions. The two remaining menus (Discrete and
                                    Continuous) will allow you to choose from various probability distribution and, once you
                                    choose one, you will be able to see how each distribution behaves when certain parameters
                                    are changed. To change each parameter you just need to move the sliders, properly labeled,
                                    available for each distribution.</p>
                                    <p><b>Probability distributions</b> are a description of a random phenomenon in terms 
                                    of the probabilities of events. They are defined in terms of an underlying 
                                    <B>sample space</B>, which is the <B>set of possible outcomes</B> of the random 
                                    phenomenon being observed (set of real numbers, higher-dimensional vector space, 
                                    non-numerical values).</p>
                                    <p><h6>Probability distribution are often divided into 2 main groups:</p></h6>
                                    <B>&#9679; Discrete Probability Distribution:</B>
                                    applicable to the scenarios where the set of possible outcomes is discrete (a particular 
                                    range of real values for which, for any value in the range that the variable is 
                                    permitted to take on, there is a positive minimum distance to the nearest other permissible 
                                    value), encoded by a discrete list of the probabilities of the outcomes, known as a 
                                    Probability Mass Distribution;</p>
                                    <B>&#9679; Continuous Probability Distribution:</font></B>
                                   applicable to the scenarios where the set of possible outcomes 
                                    can take on values in a continuous range, typically described by Probability Density 
                                    Funtion, with the probability of any individual outcome actually being 0.</p>.')
                 navbarMenu(title = "Discrete",
                            tabPanel(title = "Binomial distribution",
                                            HTML('<p> <h6><B>Binomial Distribution</B></h6> can be thought of as simply the 
                                                 probability of a <i>success</i> or <i>failure</i> outcome in an experiment 
                                                 or survey that is repeated multiple times. The binomial is a type of distribution 
                                                 that has two possible outcomes (the prefix "bi" means two, or twice). 
                                                 The first variable in the binomial formula, n, stands for the number of 
                                                 times the experiment is performed. The second variable, p, represents 
                                                 the probability of one specific outcome.</p>
                                                 <p> Binomial Distributions must meet the following three criteria:</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The number of observations or trials is fixed. 
                                                 In other words, you can only figure out the probability of something happening if you 
                                                 do it a certain number of times;</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; Each observation or trial is independent. 
                                                 In other words, none of your trials have an effect on the probability of the 
                                                 next trial;</p>
                                                 <p> <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The probability of success 
                                                 (tails, heads, fail or pass) is exactly the same from one trial to another.')
                                          splitLayout(cellWidths = 500,
                                         plotOutput("binomPlot", click = "clickdbinom", height = "450px", width = "450px"),
                                         plotOutput("binomCum", click = "clickpbinom", height = "450px", width = "450px")

                              sliderInput("ntrialsbinom", label = "Number of trials",
                                                  min = 5, max = 500, value = 20,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                                         checkboxInput("binomper", "Show percentiles", value = F)
                                      sliderInput("truepbinom", label = "True probability of success",
                                                  min = 0, max = 1, value = .5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                                          sliderInput(inputId = "percentilebinom",
                                                 label = "Percentile", min= 1, max=100, value=50,
                                                 step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)
                            tabPanel(title = "Negative Binomial Distribution",
                                            HTML('<p><B><h6>Negative Binomial Distribution</B></h6> is a discrete probability distribution 
                                                 of the number of successes in a sequence of independent and identically 
                                                 distributed binomial trials (a.k.a Bernoulli trials) before a specified
                                                 (non-random) number of failures (denoted r) occurs. 
                                                 For example, if we define a 1 as failure, all non-1s as successes, 
                                                 and we throw a dice repeatedly until the third time 1 appears 
                                                 (r = three failures), then the probability distribution of the number 
                                                 of non-1s that had appeared will be a negative binomial.</p>')
                                        splitLayout(cellWidths = 500,
                                        plotOutput("NegBinomPlot", click = "clickdnegbinom"),
                                        plotOutput("NegBinomCum", click = "clickpnegbinom")
  sliderInput(inputId = "percentilenegbinom", label = "Percentile", min= 1, max=100, value=50, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
  checkboxInput("percentnegbinom", "Show percentiles", value = F)
    sliderInput("pnegbinom", label = "True probability of success", min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
    sliderInput("nsucc", label = "Number of successes", min = 1, max = 10, value = 2,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100))
                            tabPanel(title = "Hypergeometric Distribution",
                                            HTML('<p><h6><B>Hypergeometric Distribution</B></h6> is a discrete probability 
                                                 distribution that describes the probability of <i>k</i> successes (random 
                                                 draws for which the object drawn has a specified feature) in <i>n</i> draws,
                                                 without replacement, from a finite population of size <i>N</i> that contains
                                                 exactly <i>K</i> objects with that feature, wherein each draw is either a 
                                                 success or a failure.</p>
                                                 <p>Two conditions characterize the hypergeometric distribution:</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The result of each draw (the elements of 
                                                 the population being sampled) can be classified into one of two mutually 
                                                 exclusive categories (e.g. Pass/Fail or Employed/Unemployed).</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The probability of a success changes 
                                                 on each draw, as each draw decreases the population (sampling without 
                                                 replacement from a finite population).</p>')
                                       splitLayout(cellWidths = 500,
                                       plotOutput("HypergeomPlot", click = "clickdhypergeo"),
                                       plotOutput("HypergeomCum", click = "clickphypergeo")
  sliderInput(inputId = "percentilehypergeo", label = "Percentile", min= 1, max=100, value=50, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
  checkboxInput("quanthypergeo", "Show percentiles", value = F)
    sliderInput("ntrialshyper", label = "Number of trials", value = 8, min = 5, max = 500,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
    sliderInput("m", label = "Number of white balls in the urn", value = 5, min = 10, max = 50,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
    sliderInput("n", label = "Number of black balls in the urn", value = 5, min = 10, max = 50,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100))
                            tabPanel(title = "Poisson Distribution",
                                            HTML('<p><h6><B>Poisson Distribution</h6></B> is a discrete probability distribution that 
                                                 expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed
                                                 interval of time or space if these events occur with a known constant rate
                                                 and independently of the time since the last event. The Poisson
                                                 distribution can also be used for the number of events in other specified
                                                 intervals such as distance, area or volume. For instance, an individual 
                                                 keeping track of the amount of mail they receive each day may notice that
                                                 they receive an average number of 4 letters per day. If receiving any 
                                                 particular piece of mail does not affect the arrival times of future 
                                                 pieces of mail, i.e., if pieces of mail from a wide range of sources 
                                                 arrive independently of one another, then a reasonable assumption is that
                                                 the number of pieces of mail received in a day obeys a Poisson distribution.</p>
                                                 <p>The Poisson distribution is an appropriate model if the following assumptions 
                                                 are true:</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; <i>k</i> is the number of times an event occurs in 
                                                 an interval and <i>k</i> can take values 0, 1, 2,…;</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The occurrence of one event does not 
                                                 affect the probability that a second event will occur. That is, events 
                                                 occur independently;</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The rate at which events occur 
                                                 is constant. The rate cannot be higher in some intervals and lower in 
                                                 other intervals;</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; Two events cannot occur at exactly 
                                                 the same instant; instead, at each very small sub-interval exactly one 
                                                 event either occurs or does not occur;</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The probability of an event in a 
                                                 small sub-interval is proportional to the length of the sub-interval;</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">Or</p>
                                                 <p style="margin-left:5em;">&#9679; The actual probability distribution is given by a binomial distribution 
                                                 and the number of trials is sufficiently bigger than the number 
                                                 of successes one is asking about.</p>')
                                     mainPanel(splitLayout(cellWidths = 500,
                                       plotOutput("PoissonPlot", click = "click"),
                                       plotOutput("PoissonCum", click = "clickppois")
                  sliderInput(inputId = "percentilepoisson", label = "Percentile", min= 1, max=100, value=50, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                  checkboxInput("quantpoisson", "Show percentiles", value = F)
                sliderInput("lambpois", label = "Rate parameter", min = 1.5, max = 10, value = 1,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100))
  #                     C O N T I N U O U S                     #

                navbarMenu(title = "Continous",
                          tabPanel(title = "Normal Distribution",
                                            HTML('<p><h6><B>Normal Distribution</h6></B> is a very common continuous probability distribution.
                                                 Normal distributions are important in statistics and are often used in the natural
                                                 and social sciences to represent real-valued random variables whose distributions
                                                 are not known. A random variable with a Gaussian distribution is said to be 
                                                 normally distributed and is called a normal deviate.</p>
                                                 <p>The normal distribution is useful because of the <B>central limit theorem</B>.
                                                 In its most general form, under some conditions (which include finite variance),
                                                 it states that averages of samples of observations of random variables 
                                                 independently drawn from independent distributions converge in distribution to 
                                                 the normal, that is, become normally distributed when the number of observations
                                                 is sufficiently large.</p>')
                              mainPanel(splitLayout(  cellWidths = 500,
                              plotOutput("normPlot", click = "clickdnorm"),
                              plotOutput("normCum", click = "clickpnorm")

                            sliderInput(inputId="nmean", label="Mean", min=-10, max=10, value=0, step=1,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            sliderInput(inputId="nvariance", label="Variance", min=1, max=7, value=3, step = 0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            checkboxInput("showhistnorm", "Show histograms", value = F)
                            sliderInput(inputId = "samplesizenorm", label = "Sample Size", min = 5, max = 500, value=500, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            sliderInput(inputId = "percentilenorm", label = "Percentile", min= 1, max=100, value=50, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            checkboxInput("quantnorm", "Show percentiles", value = F)
                          tabPanel(title = "Student's t Distribution",
                                            HTML("<p><h6><B>Student's t-Distribution</B> </h6>(or simply the t-distribution) is any member of a 
                                                 family of continuous probability distributions that arises when estimating the mean 
                                                 of a normally distributed population in situations where the sample size is small and
                                                 population standard deviation is unknown.</p>")
                              plotOutput("tPlot", click = "clickdt"),
                              plotOutput("tCum", click = "clickpt")
                            sliderInput(inputId = "tdf", label = "Degrees of Freedom", min=1, max=20, value=5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            sliderInput(inputId = "samplesizet", label = "Sample Size", min = 5, max = 500, value=500, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100))
                            sliderInput(inputId = "percentilet", label = "Percentile", min= 1, max=100, value=50, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            checkboxInput("quantt", "Show percentiles", value = F),
                            checkboxInput("showhistt", "Show histograms", value = F)
                          tabPanel(title = "F Distribution",
                                            HTML('<p><h6><B>F-Distribution</B> </h6>is a continuous probability distribution that arises 
                                     frequently as the null distribution of a test statistic, most notably in the
                                     analysis of variance (ANOVA), e.g., F-test. In other words it arises in the
                                     testing of whether two observed samples have the same variance.</p>')
                            ,splitLayout(cellWidths = 500,
                              plotOutput("FPlot", click = "clickdf"),
                              plotOutput("FCum", click = "clickpf")
                            sliderInput(inputId = "Fdf1", label = "Degrees of Freedom 1", min=2, max=30, value=5,step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            sliderInput(inputId = "Fdf2", label = "Degrees of Freedom 2", min=2, max=31, value = 5,step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            checkboxInput("showhistf", "Show histograms", value = F)
                            sliderInput(inputId = "samplesizef", label = "Sample Size", min = 5, max = 500, value=500, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            sliderInput(inputId = "percentilef", label = "Percentile", min= 1, max=100, value=50, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            checkboxInput("quantf", "Show percentiles", value = F)
                          tabPanel(title = "Chi-Squared Distribution",
                                            HTML('<p><h6><B>Chi-squared Distribution</B></h6> with <i>k</i> degrees of freedom is the
                                                 distribution of a sum of the squares of <i>k</i> independent standard normal
                                                 random variables. The chi-square distribution is one of the most widely used
                                                 probability distributions in inferential statistics, e.g., in hypothesis testing
                                                 or in construction of confidence intervals.</p>')
                            splitLayout(cellWidths = 500,
                              plotOutput("Chisqlot", click = "clickdchisq"),
                              plotOutput("ChisqCum", click = "clickpchisq")
                            sliderInput(inputId = "samplesizechisq", label = "Sample Size", min = 5, max = 500, value=500, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            sliderInput(inputId = "percentilechisq", label = "Percentile", min= 1, max=100, value=50, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100))
                            sliderInput("degfreechi", label = "Degrees of freedom", min = 2, max = 10, value = 2,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
                            checkboxInput("quantchi", "Show percentiles", value = F),
                            checkboxInput("showhistchi", "Show histograms", value = F)
                          tabPanel(title = "Exponential Distribution",
                                            HTML('<p><h6><B>Exponential Distribution</B></h6> (a.k.a negative exponential distribution) is
                                                 the probability distribution that describes the time between events in a 
                                                 Poisson point process, i.e., a process in which events occur continuously and
                                                 independently at a constant average rate. It is a particular case of the gamma
                                                 distribution. It is the continuous analogue of the geometric distribution, and
                                                 it has the key property of being memoryless. In addition to being used for the
                                                 analysis of Poisson point processes it is found in various other contexts.</p>
                                                 <p>The exponential distribution often models waiting times and can help you to 
                                                 answer questions like "How much time will go by before a major hurricane hits 
                                                 the Atlantic Seaboard?" or "How long will the transmission in my car last before
                                                 it breaks?". If you assume that the answer to these questions is unknown, you 
                                                 can think of the elapsed time as a random variable with an exponential 
                                                 distribution as long as the events occur continuously and independently at a
                                                 constant rate.</p>')
                                splitLayout(cellWidths = 500,
                              plotOutput("ExpPlot", click = "clickdexp"),
                              plotOutput("ExpCum", click = "clickpexp")
          sliderInput(inputId = "samplesizeexp", label = "Sample Size", min = 5, max = 500, value=500, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
          sliderInput(inputId = "percentileexp", label = "Percentile", min= 1, max=100, value=50, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100))
          sliderInput("lambexp", label = "Rate parameter", min = 1.5, max = 10, value = 1,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
          checkboxInput("quantexp", label = "Show percentiles", value = F),
          checkboxInput("showhistexp", "Show histograms", F)
                          tabPanel(title = "Uniform Distribution",
                                            HTML("<p><h6><B>Continuous Uniform Distribution</B></h6> or rectangular distribution is a family 
                                                 of symmetric probability distributions such that for each member of the family, 
                                                 all intervals of the same length on the distribution's support are equally probable. 
                                                 The support is defined by the two parameters, a and b, which are its minimum and 
                                                 maximum values. The distribution is often abbreviated U(a,b). It is the maximum
                                                 entropy probability distribution for a random variate X under no constraint other
                                                 than that it is contained in the distribution's support.</p>")
                                   splitLayout(cellWidths = 500,
                              plotOutput("UniformPlot", click = "clickdunif"),
                              plotOutput("UniformCum", click = "clickpunif")
    sliderInput(inputId = "samplesizeuniform", label = "Sample Size", min = 5, max = 500, value=500, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
    sliderInput(inputId = "percentileuniform", label = "Percentile", min= 1, max=100, value=50, step=0.5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
    checkboxInput("showhistunif", "Show histograms", F)
      sliderInput("mini", label = "Minimum", min = -20, max = 20, value = -5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
      sliderInput("maxi", label = "Maximum", min = -10, max = 30, value = 5,animate=animationOptions(interval = 100)),
      checkboxInput("quantunif", "Show percentiles", F)

server <- function(input, output) {
  #                       D I S C R E T E                       #
  output$binomPlot <- renderPlot({ = c(input$truepbinom, input$ntrialsbinom), type = "Binom",
                       percen = input$percentilebinom, plotquant = input$binomper)
  observeEvent(input$clickdbinom, {
    px <- input$clickdbinom$x
    output$binomPlot <- renderPlot({ = c(input$truepbinom, input$ntrialsbinom),
                       px = px, text = T, type = "Binom", percen = input$percentilebinom, plotquant = input$binomper)
    output$binomCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.discrete.df(theta = c(input$truepbinom, input$ntrialsbinom), type = "Binom")
  observeEvent(input$clickpbinom, {
    px <- input$clickpbinom$x
    output$binomCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.discrete.df(theta = c(input$truepbinom, input$ntrialsbinom), px = px, text = T, type = "Binom")
    output$NegBinomPlot <- renderPlot({ = c(input$pnegbinom, input$nsucc), type = "Negbinom",
                       percen = input$percentilenegbinom, plotquant = input$percentnegbinom)
  observeEvent(input$clickdnegbinom, {
    px <- input$clickdnegbinom$x
    output$NegBinomPlot <- renderPlot({ = c(input$pnegbinom, input$nsucc), px = px, text = T,
                       type = "Negbinom", percen = input$percentilenegbinom, plotquant = input$percentnegbinom)
    output$NegBinomCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.discrete.df(theta = c(input$pnegbinom, input$nsucc), type = "Negbinom")
  observeEvent(input$clickpnegbinom, {
    px <- input$clickpnegbinom$x
    output$NegBinomCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.discrete.df(theta = c(input$pnegbinom, input$nsucc), px = px, text = T, type = "Negbinom")
    output$HypergeomPlot <- renderPlot({ = c(input$m, input$n, input$ntrialshyper), type = "Hypergeo", percen = input$percentilehypergeo,
                       plotquant = input$quanthypergeo)
  observeEvent(input$clickdhypergeo, {
    px <- input$clickdhypergeo$x
    output$HypergeomPlot <- renderPlot({ = c(input$m, input$n, input$ntrialshyper), px = px, text = T, type = "Hypergeo", percen = input$percentilehypergeo,
                       plotquant = input$quanthypergeo)
    output$HypergeomCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.discrete.df(theta = c(input$m, input$n, input$ntrialshyper), type = "Hypergeo")
  observeEvent(input$clickphypergeo, {
    px <- input$clickphypergeo$x
    output$HypergeomCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.discrete.df(theta = c(input$m, input$n, input$ntrialshyper) , px = px, text = T, type = "Hypergeo")
  output$PoissonPlot <- renderPlot({ = input$lambpois, percen = input$percentilepoisson, plotquant = input$quantpoisson)
  observeEvent(input$click, {
    px <- input$click$x
    output$PoissonPlot <- renderPlot({ = input$lambpois, px = px, text = T, percen = input$percentilepoisson, plotquant = input$quantpoisson)
    output$PoissonCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.discrete.df(theta = input$lambpois)
  observeEvent(input$clickppois, {
    px <- input$clickppois$x
    output$PoissonCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.discrete.df(theta = input$lambpois, px = px, text = T)
  #                     C O N T I N U O U S                     #
  xnorm <- seq(-10, 10, .001)
  znorm <- rnorm(input$samplesizenorm, input$nmean, input$nvariance)
  knorm <- qnorm((input$percentilenorm)/100, input$nmean, input$nvariance)
  cord.y.norm<-c(0, dnorm(seq(xnorm[1], knorm, 0.001), input$nmean, input$nvariance), 0)
  cord.x.norm<-c(xnorm[1], seq(xnorm[1], knorm, 0.001), knorm)
    output$normPlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = xnorm,
                          y = dnorm(xnorm, input$nmean, input$nvariance),
                          z = znorm,
                          cord.y=cord.y.norm, cord.x=cord.x.norm, plotquant = input$quantnorm,
                          plothisto = input$showhistnorm)
  observeEvent(input$clickdnorm, {
    px <- input$clickdnorm$x
    output$normPlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = xnorm,
                          y = dnorm(xnorm, input$nmean, input$nvariance),
                          z = znorm,
                          px = px,
                          text = T,
                          cord.y=cord.y.norm, cord.x=cord.x.norm,
                          plotquant = input$quantnorm, plothisto = input$showhistnorm)
    output$normCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(-10, 10, .001),
                         y = pnorm(seq(-10, 10, .001), input$nmean, input$nvariance), quant = knorm,
                         z = znorm, plothisto = input$showhistnorm, plotquant = input$quantnorm)
  observeEvent(input$clickpnorm, {
    px <- input$clickpnorm$x
    output$normCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(-10, 10, .001),
                         y = pnorm(seq(-10, 10, .001), input$nmean, input$nvariance),
                         z = znorm, quant = knorm,
                         px = px, text = T, plothisto = input$showhistnorm, plotquant = input$quantnorm)
  xt <- seq(-10, 10, .001)
  zt <- rt(input$samplesizet, input$tdf)
  kt <- qt((input$percentilet)/100, input$tdf)
  cord.y.t <- c(0, dt(seq(xt[1], kt, 0.001), df = input$tdf), 0)
  cord.x.t <- c(xt[1], seq(xt[1], kt, 0.001), kt)
  output$tPlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = xt,
                          y = dt(xt, input$tdf),
                          z = zt,
                          cord.y=cord.y.t, cord.x= cord.x.t, plotquant = input$quantt,
                          plothisto = input$showhistt)
  observeEvent(input$clickdt, {
    px <- input$clickdt$x
    output$tPlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = xt,
                          y = dt(xt, input$tdf),
                          z = zt, px = px, text = T,
                          cord.y=cord.y.t, cord.x= cord.x.t, plotquant = input$quantt,
                          plothisto = input$showhistt)
    output$tCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(-10, 10, .001),
                          y = pt(seq(-10, 10, .001), input$tdf),
                          z = zt, plothisto = input$showhistt, plotquant = input$quantt, quant = kt)
  observeEvent(input$clickpt, {
    px <- input$clickpt$x
    output$tCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(-10, 10, .001),
                          y = pt(seq(-10, 10, .001), input$tdf),
                          z = zt, px = px, text = T, plothisto = input$showhistt, plotquant = input$quantt, quant = kt)
  xf <- seq(0, 4, .001)
  zf <- rf(input$samplesizef, input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2)
  kf <- qf((input$percentilef)/100, input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2)
  cord.y.f<-c(0, df(seq(xf[1], kf, 0.001), input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2), 0)
  cord.x.f<-c(xf[1], seq(xf[1], kf, 0.001), kf)
    output$FPlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = xf,
                          y = df(xf, input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2),
                          z = zf, 
                          cord.y=cord.y.f, cord.x=cord.x.f, plotquant = input$quantf,
                          plothisto = input$showhistf)
  observeEvent(input$clickdf, {
    px <- input$clickdf$x
    output$FPlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = xf,
                          y = df(xf, input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2),
                          z = zf, px = px, text = T, 
                          cord.y=cord.y.f, cord.x=cord.x.f, plotquant = input$quantf,
                          plothisto = input$showhistf)
    output$FCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(0, 4, .001),
                          y = pf(seq(0, 4, .001), input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2),
                          z = zf, plothisto = input$showhistf, plotquant = input$quantf, quant = kf)
  observeEvent(input$clickpf, {
    px <- input$clickpf$x
    output$FCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(0, 4, .001),
                          y = pf(seq(0, 4, .001), input$Fdf1, input$Fdf2),
                          z = zf, px = px, text = T, plothisto = input$showhistf, plotquant = input$quantf, quant = kf)
  xchi <- seq(0, 10, .001)
  zchi <- rchisq(input$samplesizechisq, input$degfreechi)
  kchi <- qchisq(input$percentilechisq/100, input$degfreechi)
  cord.y.chi <- c(0, dchisq(seq(xchi[1], kchi, 0.001), input$degfreechi), 0)
  cord.x.chi <- c(xchi[1], seq(xchi[1], kchi, 0.001), kchi)
  output$Chisqlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = xchi,
                          y = dchisq(xchi, input$degfreechi),
                          z = zchi,
                          cord.y=cord.y.chi, cord.x=cord.x.chi, plotquant = input$quantchi,
                          plothisto = input$showhistchi)
  observeEvent(input$clickdchisq, {
    px <- input$clickdchisq$x
    output$Chisqlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = seq(0, 10, .001),
                          y = dchisq(seq(0, 10, .001), input$degfreechi),
                          z = zchi, px = px, text = T, 
                          cord.y=cord.y.chi, cord.x=cord.x.chi, plotquant = input$quantchi,
                          plothisto = input$showhistchi)
    output$ChisqCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(0, 10, .001),
                          y = pchisq(seq(0, 10, .001), input$degfreechi),
                          z = zchi, plothisto = input$showhistchi, plotquant = input$quantchi, quant = kchi)
  observeEvent(input$clickpchisq, {
    px <- input$clickpchisq$x
    output$ChisqCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(0, 10, .001),
                          y = pchisq(seq(0, 10, .001), input$degfreechi),
                          z = zchi, px = px, text = T, plothisto = input$showhistchi, plotquant = input$quantchi, quant = kchi)
    xexp <- seq(0, 10, .001)
    zexp <- rexp(input$samplesizeexp, input$lambexp)
    kexp <- qexp(input$percentileexp/100, input$lambexp)
    k0.exp <- which.min(xexp)
    cord.y.exp<-c(0, dexp(seq(xexp[k0.exp], kexp, 0.001), input$lambexp), 0)
    cord.x.exp<-c(xexp[k0.exp], seq(xexp[k0.exp], kexp, 0.001), kexp)

  output$ExpPlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = xexp,
                          y = dexp(xexp, input$lambexp),
                          z = zexp,
                          cord.y=cord.y.exp, cord.x=cord.x.exp, plotquant = input$quantexp,
                          plothisto = input$showhistexp)
  observeEvent(input$clickdexp, {
    px <- input$clickdexp$x
    output$ExpPlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = seq(0, 10, .001),
                          y = dexp(seq(0, 10, .001), input$lambexp),
                          z = zexp, px = px, text = T, 
                          cord.y=cord.y.exp, cord.x=cord.x.exp, plotquant = input$quantexp,
                          plothisto = input$showhistexp)
    output$ExpCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(0, 10, .001),
                          y = pexp(seq(0, 10, .001), input$lambexp), quant = kexp,
                          z = zexp, plothisto = input$showhistexp, plotquant = input$quantexp)
  observeEvent(input$clickpexp, {
    px <- input$clickpexp$x
    output$ExpCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(0, 10, .001),
                          y = pexp(seq(0, 10, .001), input$lambexp),
                          z = zexp, px = px, text = T, plothisto = input$showhistexp, plotquant = input$quantexp, quant = kexp)
      # SIXTH TAB
  xunif <- seq(-10, 10, .001)
  zunif <- runif(isolate(input$samplesizeuniform), isolate(input$mini), isolate(input$maxi))
  kunif <- qunif(input$percentileuniform/100, input$mini, input$maxi)
  k0.unif <- which.min(xunif)
  cord.y.unif<-c(0, dunif(seq(xunif[k0.unif], kunif, 0.001), input$mini, input$maxi), 0)
  cord.x.unif<-c(xunif[k0.unif], seq(xunif[k0.unif], kunif, 0.001), kunif)
  output$UniformPlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = xunif,
                          y = dunif(xunif, min = input$mini, max=input$maxi),
                          z = zunif,
                          cord.y=cord.y.unif, cord.x=cord.x.unif, plotquant = input$quantunif,
                          plothisto = input$showhistunif)
  observeEvent(input$clickdunif, {
    px <- input$clickdunif$x
    output$UniformPlot <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.pdf(x = xunif,
                          y = dunif(xunif, min = input$mini, max=input$maxi),
                          z = zunif, px = px, text = T, 
                          cord.y=cord.y.unif, cord.x=cord.x.unif, plotquant = input$quantunif,
                          plothisto = input$showhistunif)
    output$UniformCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(-10, 10, .001),
                          y = punif(seq(-10, 10, .001), min = input$mini, max=input$maxi),
                          z = zunif, plothisto = input$showhistunif, plotquant = input$quantunif,
                         quant = kunif)
  observeEvent(input$clickpunif, {
    px <- input$clickpunif$x
    output$UniformCum <- renderPlot({
      plot.continuous.df(x = seq(-10, 10, .001),
                          y = punif(seq(-10, 10, .001), min = input$mini, max=input$maxi), quant = kunif,
                          z = zunif, px = px, text = T, plothisto = input$showhistunif, plotquant = input$quantunif)

shinyApp(ui, server) <- function(theta, type = "Poisson",
                             text = F, px = 0, n = 100, plotquant = T, percen = 25){
  percen <- percen/100

  x <- 0:10 # Variable
  if(type == "Poisson"){
    y <- dpois(x, theta) # Probability
    quanti <- qpois(percen, theta)
  } else if (type == "Binom"){
    y <- dbinom(x, size = theta[2], prob = theta[1])
    quanti <- qbinom(percen, size = theta[2], prob = theta[1])
  } else if (type == "Hypergeo"){
    y <- dhyper(0:(theta[1]+theta[2]), theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])
    quanti <- qhyper(percen, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3])
  } else if(type == "Negbinom"){
    x <- 0:20
    y <- dnbinom(x, theta[2], theta[1])
    quanti <- qnbinom(percen, theta[2], theta[1])

  par(mfrow = c(1,1), las="1", pty = "s", xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
      col.axis = "gray30", cex = 1.3, family = "sans", xpd = T, col.lab = "gray30")
  plot(c(-1, 11), c(0, 1), type = "n",
    xlab = expression(paste("Variable ", italic(X))),
    ylab = "Probability", axes = F)
      for(i in 1:length(x)){
        lines(rep(x[i], times = 10), seq(0, y[i], length.out = 10), lwd = 2,
              col = "indianred")
  if(plotquant == T){
          for(j in 1:quanti){
        lines(rep(x[j], times = 10), seq(0, y[j], length.out = 10), lwd = 8,
              col = "indianred", xpd = F)
  if(text == T){
    text(x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         y = y[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
         pos = 3, srt = 45, cex = 1, col = "gray47")

   box(); axis(2); axis(1, at = 0:10)

plot.discrete.df <- function(theta, type = "Poisson", text = F, px = 0, n = 100){
  x <- 0:10 # Variable
  if(type == "Poisson"){
    y <- ppois(x, theta) # Probability
  } else if (type == "Binom"){
    y <- pbinom(x, size = theta[2], prob = theta[1])
  } else if (type == "Hypergeo"){
    y <- phyper(0:(theta[1]+theta[2]), m = theta[1], n = theta[2], k = theta[3])
  } else if(type == "Negbinom"){
    x <- 0:20
    y <- pnbinom(x, theta[2], theta[1])

  par(mfrow = c(1,1), las="1", pty = "s", xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
      col.axis = "gray30", cex = 1.3, family = "sans", xpd = T, col.lab = "gray30")
  plot(c(-1, 11), c(0, 1), type = "n",
    xlab = expression(paste("Variable ", italic(X))),
    ylab = "Probability", axes = F)
      for(i in 1:length(x)){
        lines(rep(x[i], times = 10), seq(0, y[i], length.out = 10), lwd = 2,
              col = "cornflowerblue", xpd = F)
  if(text == T){
    text(x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         y = y[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
         pos = 3, srt = 45, cex = 1, col = "gray47")

   box(); axis(2); axis(1, at = 0:10)

plot.continuous.pdf <- function(x, y, z, text = F, px = 0, plotquant = T, cord.x, cord.y,
                                plothisto = F){

  par(mfrow = c(1,1), las="1", pty = "s", xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
      col.axis = "gray30", cex = 1.3, family = "sans", xpd = F, col.lab = "gray30")
  plot(c(min(x), max(x)), c(0, max(y)*1.2), type = "n",
    xlab = expression(paste("Variable ", italic(X))),
    ylab = "Probability density", axes = F)

  if(plotquant == T){
    polygon(cord.x, cord.y, col=rgb(0.9137255,0.5882353,0.4784314,0.2), border = NA) 
  if(plothisto == T){
    hist(z, add = T, col = rgb(0.8039,0.3608,0.3608,0.3),
         ylim = c(0, max(y)*1.2), freq = F,
         xlim = c(min(x), max(x)), border = rgb(1,1,1,1))
    lines(x, y, lwd = 2, col = "indianred", xpd = F)
        yvar <- y[which.min(abs(x - px))]
  posit <- 3

  if(text == T){
    text(x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         y = yvar,
         labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
         pos = posit, srt = 0, cex = 1, offset = 0.2, col = "gray47", xpd = T)

   box(); axis(2); axis(1)

plot.continuous.df <- function(x, y, z, text = F, px = 0, plothisto = F, plotquant = F, quant){
  hcum <- hist(z, plot = FALSE)
  hcum$density <- cumsum(hcum$density)/sum(hcum$density)

  par(mfrow = c(1,1), las="1", pty = "s", xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
      col.axis = "gray30", cex = 1.3, family = "sans", xpd = F, col.lab = "gray30")
  plot(c(min(x), max(x)), c(0, 1), type = "n",
    xlab = expression(paste("Variable ", italic(X))),
    ylab = "Distribution function", axes = F)
  if(plothisto == T){
  plot(hcum, add = T, col = rgb(0.3922,0.5843,0.9294,0.3),
    ylim = c(0, max(y)*1.2), freq = F,
    xlim = c(min(x), max(x)), border = rgb(1,1,1,1))
      yvar <- y[which.min(abs(x - px))]

  if(plotquant == T){
    lines(rep(quant, 10), seq(0, y[which.min(abs(x - quant))], length = 10), lty = 10)
    lines(seq(min(x), quant, length = 10), rep(y[which.min(abs(x - quant))], 10), lty = 10)
  lines(x, y, lwd = 2, col = "cornflowerblue", xpd = F)
  posit <- 3
  if(text == T){
    text(x = x[which.min(abs(x - px))],
         y = yvar,
         labels = round(y[which.min(abs(x - px))], 3),
         pos = posit, srt = 0, cex = 1, offset = 0.2, col = "gray47", xpd = T)

   box(); axis(2); axis(1)
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