Fitting a knowledge structure to the data

Choose a data set:

Choose a coefficient:

Patterns of responses not included in the diagram:
show with app
### packages

### define Buttons

# choose data
data_set <- radioButtons(
  "data_set", "", width = 300, 
  c("Doignon & Falmagne", "Density 97 (Taagepera)", "Matter 97 (Taagepera)"), 
  inline = FALSE

# define variables
    strcdf <- as.pattern(DoignonFalmagne7$K, as.set = TRUE)
    respdf <- as.binmat(DoignonFalmagne7$N.R, uniq = FALSE)
    strcd <- as.pattern(density97$K, as.set = TRUE)
    respd <- as.binmat(density97$N.R, uniq = FALSE)
    strcm <- as.pattern(matter97$K, as.set = TRUE)
    respm <- as.binmat(matter97$N.R, uniq = FALSE)
# calculate n_in and n_out
    mat <- 1 * t(apply(respdf, 1, function(r) {
      apply(DoignonFalmagne7$K, 1, function(s) {
        all(r == s) 
    ladf <- as.logical(rowSums(mat))
          # n of people involved in structure
          n_indf <- dim([ladf, ])[1]
          # n of people not involved
          n_outdf <- dim([1] - dim([ladf, ])[1]
          mat <- 1 * t(apply(respd, 1, function(r) {
            apply(density97$K, 1, function(s) {
              all(r == s) 
          lad <- as.logical(rowSums(mat))
          # n of people involved in structure
          n_ind <- dim([lad, ])[1]
          # n of people not involved
          n_outd <- dim([1] - dim([lad, ])[1]
          mat <- 1 * t(apply(respm, 1, function(r) {
            apply(matter97$K, 1, function(s) {
              all(r == s) 
          lam <- as.logical(rowSums(mat))
              # n of people involved in structure
            n_inm <- dim([lam, ])[1]
              # n of people not involved
            n_outm <- dim([1] - dim([lam, ])[1]

### draw it
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel(h1("KNOWLEDGE SPACE THEORY", style = "color: #660d2a")),
  h2("Fitting a knowledge structure to the data", style="color: #db2561"),
    ## first column 
     column(width = 4,
           # choose data set 
           h4("Choose a data set:"),
           # choose coefficient
           h4("Choose a coefficient:"),
          coeff_choice <- selectInput("coeff_choice", "", c("Gamma Index" = "gamma", "Distance Agreement Coefficient" = "DA", "Violational Coefficient" = "VC")),
           # info button
    ## second column
    column(width = 8,
           # hasse plot
           plotOutput(outputId = "hasseplot"),
           column(width = 6, offset = 4,
            actionButton("infoT", label = "", icon = icon("info-circle"),
                          style="color: #fff; background-color: #db2561; border-color: #db2561"),
             bsModal("infoM", "Glossary of Coefficients", "infoT",
                     size = "large", htmlOutput("infoM")),
             actionButton("infoUs", label = "", icon = icon("child"),
                          style="color: #fff; background-color: #660d2a; border-color: #660d2a"),
             bsModal("infoAboutUs", " ", "infoUs",
                     size = "large", htmlOutput("infoAboutUs")), top = 600, bottom = 300),
           h5("Patterns of responses not included in the diagram:"),
           textOutput("patt"), top = 600, bottom = 600, left = 600, right = 100))


### server function
server <- function(input, output){
  # hasse plot
  output$hasseplot <- renderPlot({
    if (input$data_set == "Doignon & Falmagne"){
           main = "Knowledge structure of Doignon & Falmagne")
      output$n_in <- renderText(c("Number of participants included: ", n_indf))
      output$n_out <- renderText(c("Number of participants excluded: ", n_outdf))
      output$patt <- renderPrint(print(as.pattern([!ladf, ], as.letters = TRUE, 
                                                  as.set =  TRUE ), quote = FALSE))
    else if(input$data_set == "Density 97 (Taagepera)"){
           main = "Knowledge structure of Density 97")
      output$n_in <- renderText(c("Number of participants included: ", n_ind))
      output$n_out <- renderText(c("Number of participants excluded: ", n_outd))
      output$patt <- renderPrint(print(as.pattern([!lad, ], as.letters = TRUE, 
                       as.set =  TRUE ), quote = FALSE))
    else {
           main = "Knowledge structure of Matter 97")
      output$n_in <- renderText(c("Number of participants included: ", n_inm))
      output$n_out <- renderText(c("Number of participants excluded: ", n_outm))
      output$patt <- renderPrint(print(as.pattern([!lam, ], as.letters = TRUE, 
                                   as.set =  TRUE ), quote = FALSE))

  # coefficients
  observeEvent(input$coeff_choice, {
    if (input$coeff_choice == "DA") {
      output$coeff <- renderText({
       if (input$data_set == "Doignon & Falmagne"){
          da_stuff <- kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcdf), rpattern = respdf, 
                    method = input$coeff_choice)
        else if(input$data_set == "Density 97 (Taagepera)") {
          da_stuff <-  kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcd), rpattern = respd, 
                    method = input$coeff_choice)
        else {
          da_stuff <- kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcm), rpattern = respm, 
                    method = input$coeff_choice)
        c("ddat =", round(da_stuff$ddat, 3))
      output$coeff1 <- renderText({
            if (input$data_set == "Doignon & Falmagne"){
                da_stuff <- kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcdf), rpattern = respdf, 
                        method = input$coeff_choice)
            else if(input$data_set == "Density 97 (Taagepera)") {
                da_stuff <-  kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcd), rpattern = respd, 
                        method = input$coeff_choice)
            else {
                da_stuff <- kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcm), rpattern = respm, 
                        method = input$coeff_choice)
        c("dpot =", round(da_stuff$dpot, 3))
      output$coeff2 <- renderText({
            if (input$data_set == "Doignon & Falmagne"){
                da_stuff <- kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcdf), rpattern = respdf, 
                          method = input$coeff_choice)
            else if(input$data_set == "Density 97 (Taagepera)") {
                da_stuff <-  kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcd), rpattern = respd, 
                          method = input$coeff_choice)
            else {
                da_stuff <- kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcm), rpattern = respm, 
                          method = input$coeff_choice)
        c("DA =", round(da_stuff$DA, 3))
    else if(input$coeff_choice == "gamma") {
      output$coeff1 <- renderText("   ")
      output$coeff2 <- renderText("    ")
      output$coeff <-  renderText({
      if (input$data_set == "Doignon & Falmagne"){
        kval <- kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcdf), rpattern = respdf, 
                                       method = input$coeff_choice)
        gamma_stuff <- round(kval$gamma, 3)
      else if(input$data_set == "Density 97 (Taagepera)") {
        gamma_stuff <- round(kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcd), rpattern = respd, 
                  method = input$coeff_choice)$gamma, 3)
      else {
       gamma_stuff <- round(kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcm), rpattern = respm, 
                  method = input$coeff_choice)$gamma, 3)
        c("Gamma =", gamma_stuff)
    else if (input$coeff_choice == "VC") {
      output$coeff1 <- renderText("    ")
      output$coeff2 <- renderText("    ")
      output$coeff <- renderText({
        if (input$data_set == "Doignon & Falmagne"){
        vc_stuff <- round(kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcdf), rpattern = respdf, 
                                 method = input$coeff_choice)$vc, 3)
      else if(input$data_set == "Density 97 (Taagepera)") {
        vc_stuff <- round(kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcd), rpattern = respd, 
                                 method = input$coeff_choice)$vc, 3)
      else {
        vc_stuff <- round(kvalidate(x = kstructure(strcm), rpattern = respm, 
                                 method = input$coeff_choice)$vc, 3)
      c("VC =", vc_stuff) })
    else {}
  #us button
  output$infoAboutUs <- renderText({
    "<center><b>This amazing app was built by </b>
  <p> &nbsp
    Arne John
    Alice Maurer
    Benjamin Heikkinen
    M?? Leonor Neto

  # info button
  output$infoM <- renderText({
    "<b> Gamma Index: </b> It was proposed by Goodman & Kruskal (1972) as a way of validating the prerequisite relations and assumes that not 
    every response pattern is represented by a prerequisite relation. It compares the number of response patterns
    that are represented by a prerequisite relation with the number of response patterns that are not. 
    <center>&#x3B3 = (N<sub>c</sub> - N<sub>d</sub>) / (N<sub>c</sub> + N<sub>d</sub>)</center>
Generally, a positive Gamma Index supports the validity of the <b>prerequisite relations</b> and a negative Gamma Index
violates the its validity.
    <b> Distance Agreement Coefficient: </b> It was proposef by Schrepp (1999) as a way of validating the competence space and allows for the evaluation
    of its quality. It compares the average symmetric distance between the competence states and participant's response patterns (<i>ddat</i>) with the
    average distance between the resulting competence states and the power set of elementary competencies (<i>dpot</i>).
    <b><i>ddat</i></b> calculates the average minimal distance between each response pattern and the nearest state in the competence space.
    <center><i>ddat</i> = &#x2211 min{ <i>d</i> (<i>r, k</i>) | <i>r</i> &#x2208 <i>R</i> } / <i>n</i></center>
    <b><i>dpot</i></b> calculates the average minimal distance between the power set of all potencial response patterns and the nearest state in the competence
    <center><i>dpot</i> = &#x2211 min{ <i>d</i> (<i>p, k</i>) | <i>p</i> &#x2208 <i>P</i> } / 2<sup>|E|</sup></center>
    Generally, a low Distance Agreement Coefficient supports the validity of the <b>competence space</b> and a high Distance Agreement Coefficient violates its validity.
<center>DA = <i>ddat</i> / <i>dpot</i></center><p>
<b>Violational Coefficient: </b>It validades <b>prerequisite relations</b>. For this purpose, the number of violations against the prerequisite relations are calculated.
A low VC supports the validity of prerequisite relations.
<center>VC = &#x2211 <i>v<sub>xy</sub></i> / <i>n</i>(|S| - <i>m</i>)</center>

shinyApp(ui, server)